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Ex-UCONN/NBA Donyel Marshall joins UB as asst coach.

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So, if they DO grant it, the player still has to sit a year, but then he's on scholarship and not paying his own way during that year?

yep. The NCAA wants the coaches to control the inflow and outflow of players in the high revenue sports of bball and football. The coach controls playing time so if they want to give a kids scholarship to someone else, they tell them they aren't going to play and might as well transfer (so they can have the scholly back since there are only so many they can grant). If the player is valued like in Evans case, they want to keep him from leaving or if he refuses to stay at the very least block from going in-conference (having to face him, and take the playbook with him).In the end, apparently they relented.


Edit: reports are he is leaning twd Miami

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