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Even I Don't Think Republican Brain Damage Can Stomach This.


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"So to say that it's the US invasion that started the Islamist wave is the predictable reaction of ignorant linear thinkers"


This also ignores the Barbary Pirates. Jefferson and Adams understood the movement in the 1700's, now progressives want to ignore history and blame US military actions.


Laughable at best.

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maybe we should go back and look at which ppp posters supported the war and which were against it. i'm betting it'll fall heavily on separate sides of cons/liberals.


oh, and bush iii just named paul wolfowitz as an advisor http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/politics/jeb-bush-policy-advisers-brothers/...


finally, i guess family values http://www.politico.com/story/2014/04/2016-election-jeb-bush-family-105748_Page2.html slogans aren't gonna be a big part of jeu's campaign.

Edited by birdog1960
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He/it [i suspect gator may be a computer generated response] has been worthless since he seamlessly took over the class clown position from Conner. Question is why do posters on here respond to him seriously?


I can't speak for others, but I think a lot of what he says is funny. There's little to no thought put into any of it - it's' just automatic gainsay of whatever someone else is saying, often devolving into biting epithets like 'poop head', motivated by the belief that you don't lose the argument as long as you can reply with something - anything - no matter how irrelevant or scatological it may be. There's entertainment in that.


I don't mind when he singles me out and insults me, but I expect it to have at least a little comic value. Otherwise, it's just annoying.

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Yeah there are some nasty skeletons in his closet. Care to comment on his remark about illegal immigration being an act of love. I bet you got a boner over that line.


If he gets the nomination I'll most likely go third party again.

not to mention his being part of this unholy trinity: http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/rick-scott-jeb-bush-marco-rubio-and-co-raising--for-fla-gop/2218007. what the hell is wrong with floridians? rick scott? really.


but seriously, who here is going?

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I can't speak for others, but I think a lot of what he says is funny. There's little to no thought put into any of it - it's' just automatic gainsay of whatever someone else is saying, often devolving into biting epithets like 'poop head', motivated by the belief that you don't lose the argument as long as you can reply with something - anything - no matter how irrelevant or scatological it may be. There's entertainment in that.


I don't mind when he singles me out and insults me, but I expect it to have at least a little comic value. Otherwise, it's just annoying.

That's why I think he's a computer that was programmed as a 7th grade class project. You know the age where a good comeback is making fart noises with your armpit.

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maybe we should go back and look at which ppp posters supported the war and which were against it. i'm betting it'll fall heavily on separate sides of cons/liberals.


oh, and bush iii just named paul wolfowitz as an advisor http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/19/politics/jeb-bush-policy-advisers-brothers/...


finally, i guess family values http://www.politico.com/story/2014/04/2016-election-jeb-bush-family-105748_Page2.html slogans aren't gonna be a big part of jeu's campaign.

Wolfowitz?? We will be welcomed as liberators!!! Wow!
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That's not a vindication of that point. Part of what we're dealing with can be described as self fulfilling prophecy, atleast in the rapidity of escalation.


Regardless, that's another thread.


As I told gator, we're talking about today.


Can't argue that the rapid escalation is clearly due to a leadership vacuum in the region. But on the broader self fulfilling prophecy question, it's clear to me that it would have been inevitable. ISIS was able to step into the open gulf because they had an organization in place, that was built on something that's been rising for decades. If you look at the organization and what they've been able to accomplish you know it's impossible to cobble that multi-national logistics structure and execution in less than three years. They were well down that road and the conflict was inevitable.

Yeah there are some nasty skeletons in his closet. Care to comment on his remark about illegal immigration being an act of love. I bet you got a boner over that line.


If he gets the nomination I'll most likely go third party again.


Just for kicks, other than the Bush name, what makes Jeb a bad candidate?

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Can't argue that the rapid escalation is clearly due to a leadership vacuum in the region. But on the broader self fulfilling prophecy question, it's clear to me that it would have been inevitable. ISIS was able to step into the open gulf because they had an organization in place, that was built on something that's been rising for decades. If you look at the organization and what they've been able to accomplish you know it's impossible to cobble that multi-national logistics structure and execution in less than three years. They were well down that road and the conflict was inevitable.



You mean the vacuum created by Saddam's departure or the one left by the corrupt regime we left in place there that oppressed the Sunnis?

handley is in there too. fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice...


jeb must think republican voters are mostly idiots. oh, wait.

He does, the way he and his brother handled the Terri Schivo situation is a case in point...
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Just for kicks, other than the Bush name, what makes Jeb a bad candidate?


Good question. As I've mentioned in another thread (or maybe this one) I have not been paying too much attention. The election is 20 months away. So at this point it's just the name.

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