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[closed]Predict punishment by NFL to Patriots do to Deflate-gate


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I'll put this here because it will get lost on the 10 pages a day (currently 102) Cheatriots thread


Win or lose, Patriots have sacrificed their legacy - The Boston Globe



Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Depends on what is unraveled during the investigation.

If they get a ball boy to admit that Brady has set up a system where the balls are deflated prior to kickoffs then that is a serious offense. Brady may have been pulling this stunt off for years. IF thats a case and they have the evidence, he must be suspended from the superbowl....maybe even a whole year.

If you listened to bradys press conference you can tell that he is nervous as hell about this and he is definitely withholding information. He knows what he's done, he just never thought it would be this big of a deal. Even Belichick deflected the problem on to Brady, meaning that hes not going to take the fall for him on it, even if he knows what hes been up to all these years.

If they cant get anyone to step up then they dont have anything to go off then its anybodys guess.

Whats clear to me is that Brady and Belichick both know whats been going on but they are keeping their mouths shut. When criminals keep their mouths shut nobody gets in trouble. NFL investigators need a whistleblower otherwise I dont expect too much punishment other than picks or a fine.

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They shouldn't even be allowed to play the game....Regardless they are forever know as cheaters now, and they should be, because they got caught again.


Doesn't matter if they Catch "the" guy or not, And Tom knows more then he said yesterday for sure.

Edited by gordong
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