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Pats* file tampering charges on Jets; Jets reciprocate


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Maybe they'll arrange a commodities swap to settle things. Kraft sends two reams of 20# bond to the JESTS and Woody has to send a case of band aids, baby lotion, OB Tampons and panty liners to the Pats*.

They might even have some pantyhose left over from the Joe N. era

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So will be Revis, but I'm guessing the difference is that Revis is still playing.

and I believe Rex was asked about Sanchez by a reporter - would he have any interest in signing him- and he just said nothing was off the table at the moment or something to that regard
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The irony of it being the patriots who have cheated and skimped every law and rule they can from practicing IR'd players to tampering with the headsets in the helmets. Lest we not forget Spygate, either.


Kraft and the Pats are the most despicable team in pro sports.

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If I were pegula, I would file one too for tampering with marrone.

Not sure how it would stick, the jets tampered with marrone so their division rivals inept coach walks out on them then the jets fire a much better coach so that devision rival can hire him. The pegulas should send a thank you card

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