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Been Away For A While

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Fatty, my friend, welcome back... you liberal douchenozzle!


I'm truly sorry to hear about your little girl. That's a horrible thing you went through. No parent should ever have to bury their children, especially one so young. Hopefully she's up there in heaven watching the Bills each week with the big guy.

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BFBF, my "kids" aren't kids any more, but I have some idea of how I'd feel if we lost one of them. From that context, I offer you sympathy and prayers. There are no certain paths to surviving such a horrible event, but I wish for you and yours the very best each day.

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Hello all my friends at PPP. As you know I've been away for a while. (though most probably didn't really mind that much LOL :D)


This past May my four year old daughter Coraline passed away from a severe strep infection that spread through her body. It's been hard since to pay attention to world events and come here to discus them. For those of you that pray, I would ask that you pray for my family as we are navigating through this difficult time. Over the next few weeks I'll start dipping my feet back into the water here.


Hope you are all doing well. Even you 3rd.

You have my deepest sympathy. From personal experience it doesn't of course get better, but it does get easier. Take advantage of those moments when your daughter's death is not all-consuming and let the healing process work. God bless.

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