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All-22 Review - Bills/Patriots


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So your "analysis" is to post a couple of their bad games?

To play off Gronk & Brady's dominance as a "Bills" thing exclusively is ludicrous. Ludicrous. He regularly puts up great numbers on many teams. Last year, he dominated the Jets and the Steelers. Bad defensive coaching?



Interesting...I think we are both trying to argue over-generalization...But it's two different things...And I don't disagree with you...It is dumb to say Gronk and Brady's dominance is a Bills thing...But it's equally dumb to say they dominate every NFL team...



And I'm not trying to analyze anything btw...I was disputing an over-generalization with statistical facts from THIS season...And in no way am I saying it's ONLY the Bills that get owned by the two...Hell they just owned Cincy the previous week...That would be an over-generalization as well...I am saying the Bills usually do get owned by them...But that does not make them exclusive...


To say that Brady and Gronk simply dominate everyone is factually incorrect...Furthermore, though they certainly have been dominate over the course of their careers often, there is VERY recent evidence that they can be at the very least contained, slowed down, held below 360 yards and 4 TD's, whatever...Oakland managed to do it at NE, and the Bills could not with our top 5 Defense at home...That is not to say that you can stop them completely or anything like that...It is saying however that merely stating that Brady and Gronk make mincemeat out of every team, therefor that's an excuse for why they continuously do it to the Bills...well...That's just not even close to the real story...They are not super-humans...And since the beginning of the 2013 season in non-Bills games Brady has been held under 250 yards passing 10 times in 19 games total...Hell the Bills even did it once last year...Albeit during a rainstorm while the Pats were running the ball up and down the field on them...


The real story is certainly that Brady and Gronk generally own the Buffalo Bills...And if there is one team in the entire NFL that should be able to come up with something...anything...to slow down those two one would assume it would be the Bills...Especially knowing they have been destroyed by those two endlessly over these years...I mean...I will say this much...without knowing for certain I would geuess that no team in the NFL has been destroyed more than the Bills have by Brady and Gronk...Could be wrong in that assumption...But it can't be far off...But...While other teams...not every team mind you...but some other teams...seem to be able to come up with Defensive schemes to at least slow down those two, the Bills continue to come up short...


To summarize this point I'm trying to make...The statement that Brady and Gronk make mincemeat out of every NFL team is an over-generalization...The same way saying only the Bills get burned by the two is...


On a side note, over-generalization is literally the main weapon for the dim-witted...Over-generalization is...at least usually...nonfactual...And in this case there is VERY recent evidence proving that Brady and Gronk do not in fact make mincemeat out of every NFL team...every game they play...And there is also recent evidence that other NFL teams have fallen prey to them as well... B-)

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#14 against the run, looked like #1 against us. Again, not enough if it's the only phase of your game that is working.


No they didn't...we have the #1 ranked run D and looked every bit of it limiting them to 1.9 YPC


Would you look at that hole inside... Jesus. The guy has no vision, none.


That could have been a 20+ yard run

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The Pats O-line is their obvious weakness, so put pressure on them with blitzing.


Gronkowski is Brady's favorite target, and the strength of their passing game, make covering him priority #1. That forces them to rely on less proven guys to make the plays.


Schwantz didn't gameplan it like that though.

I agree. The gameplan is what I don't get.


I hate that it takes about 4 losses against them before our coaches realize what you have to do to beat the Patriots. You have to blitz Brady. You have to make him beat the blitz. Yes he does do that sometimes, but not all the time, especially when the pressure comes up the middle. You get to him early so he has a bad game. Don't let him get comfortable. Make it as hard for him as possible. You do that by putting him on his ass play after play until he gets flustered. He is a very emotional player.


By the time the coaches realize this, they will be run out of town. Same as last coaching crew. Same as coaching crew before them. Then we will get a new staff that just repeats the process again until Brady finally retires.

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A little more than a half century.

As Marv said - when it works, it was the right call. I just don't believe in jumping on the bad coach bandwagon after every loss.

I completely agree with you that it's dumb to throw the coaching staff under the bus over a loss. I also agree with Marv, "when it works, it was the right call". But dammit, when it doesn't work stop f'n doing it all the time! That's pretty much all I am trying to say here, this coaching staff keeps trying to work their "game plan" far after it has become clear that "the plan" isn't working.


"A little more than a half century" Good, so you have been watching for long enough to know that the "book" has pretty well been written on how to stop the "unstoppable" Pats.


3 main strategies are generally employed:


1. "The Middle of the road strategy" (Try to defend both pass and run). This never, ever works, and gives Brady WAY too much time to find a receiver. But that being said, the Jests almost pulled it off.


2. "Lets try to cover everyone" (Drop extra players into pass coverage all the time). (Leaves you vulnerable to the run, but hey it's the Pats, what run?) Some teams have had success with this (coverage sacks/INT's), but you need a strong secondary (That's not us). Plus, Giants got super lucky, Welkah misses catch, Gronk a step too late on "hail Mary".


3. "Sell Out Pass Rush" (Try to hit Brady in the face each time he drops back). Leaves you very vulnerable to big plays if your linemen can't "get there", but this seems to work most often, and is pretty much the only one we can effectively use right now.


I am not seeing us actually doing any of these yet. We have a set of players that are good enough to win games like this right now if only proper coaching strategies were employed.

Edited by angryfan62
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3. "Sell Out Pass Rush" (Try to hit Brady in the face each time he drops back). Leaves you very vulnerable to big plays if your linemen can't "get there", but this seems to work most often, and is pretty much the only one we can effectively use right now.


I am not seeing us actually doing any of these yet. We have a set of players that are good enough to win games like this right now if only proper coaching strategies were employed.


And the added benefit of #3 is that you are hitting Brady, and roughing him up has many advantages (no, I don't want him seriously injured). One of those advantages is that, even if you lose, he goes into the next meeting anticipating a rough game. There have been so many Bills games where it's just been a walk through the park for him physically.

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