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Stupid play calling

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Just pointing out that they telegraphed they were not going to run the ball in their first position. What were their first 3 plays? When in the past have they not run on the first play from scrimmage?


This past Sunday?

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Just pointing out that they telegraphed they were not going to run the ball in their first possession. What were their first 3 plays? When in the past have they not run on the first play from scrimmage?


Might have worked if Sammy didn't drop the second one that hit him right in the hands that would have set up 3rd and 2. How come all of a sudden Sammy drops several passes per game?

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Say what you want, I'll take the players' word for it. Mike Williams called out the coaches. Said they never adjusted the play calling to the defense Houston was running. Hackett kept calling plays designed against Zone while Houston played press/man the whole game. And don't argue that I don't know what I'm seeing. This was Mike Williams who said it. Another player also said that Houston did things all day that they were not prepared for and were not in the game plan. We got outcoached again.




Might have worked if Sammy didn't drop the second one that hit him right in the hands that would have set up 3rd and 2. How come all of a sudden Sammy drops several passes per game?

He's soft and fragile like the other Clemson "superstar" we have.

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Might have worked if Sammy didn't drop the second one that hit him right in the hands that would have set up 3rd and 2. How come all of a sudden Sammy drops several passes per game?


I'm going to make a completely unsubstantiated, speculative guess on this one:


Because Robert Woods' lousy attitude has rubbed off on him. He's too willing to throw his hands up and B word that the pass wasn't right on the money. I understand his body language has left something to be desired (ditto Woods), and I've said in other threads, both of them (and all the receivers for that matter) need to stfu and deliver when called upon. Until they play perfectly, they have no business demanding perfection from EJ.

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I'm going to make a completely unsubstantiated, speculative guess on this one:


Because Robert Woods' lousy attitude has rubbed off on him. He's too willing to throw his hands up and B word that the pass wasn't right on the money. I understand his body language has left something to be desired (ditto Woods), and I've said in other threads, both of them (and all the receivers for that matter) need to stfu and deliver when called upon. Until they play perfectly, they have no business demanding perfection from EJ.


Maybe, but the second play of the game when the football hit him in the hands?

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The play calling was fine. The play calling would have beaten the Texans soundly if EJ found and hit his wide open receivers. Maybe then the running game would have been more effective if the Texans had to worry about the passing.

wrong the plays have routes putting wrs next to eachother, at times no outlet pass, no midrange option, few crossing patterns, mostly fades/streaks and hooks. totally stupid route selections. hacket is an idiot, he always has a wasted first down run for 2 yards as well.
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