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[closed]Would you wait three years for greatness at QB?


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The spirit of the original poster's thoughts here is more abstract and philosophical, so I will address it on those terms.


At least that's what I think they intended.


But as a matter of philosophy, yes, I would throw away three Bills seasons in their entirety if it meant having a "top 3" QB in the league (let's say) for the decade after that.


Hell, we have been basically doing that for a decade and half (and more) as it is. We just didn't realize it....and there was never the savior QB at the end of each 3 year misery period!


By the way, based on what Pegula is doing with the Sabres (wisely) don't be surprised if we do see some of this philosophy in the Bills organization soon.


But there is a problem with the concept! You actually need to be picking #1 overall or maybe #2 to get a super-stud QB...IN A YEAR WHEN SAID QB IS AVAILABLE. (Or two).


That is tough to pull off. These guys are few and far between and most draft years do not have an Andrew Luck available.


Yes, there are a couple of exceptions, I know. I'm not into statistical deviation though as that is not helpful. It's better to play the odds and make a plan accordingly.


Forgive the pun, but you almost have to luck into a Luck, as Indy did. You almost can't "plan" to get one of these guys.


Top 3 and "Franchise" are different. For a top 3, the answer is very clearly yes. For a franchise QB? The waters get a little murkier.

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For greatness to emerge, there must first be greatness inside.....

That's where your scouts come in. They either believe this to be true, or they think there are no better options.


Rodgers showed very little because they had Favre. They drafted Brohm after Rodgers thowing 59 passes his first three years in the league. At that point Favre's constant retirement talk wasn't tired. Rodgers and Rivers were behind elite QB's.

Rivers was behind a guy whose career trajectory was quite what we might hope EJ's to be, actually. Brees definitely grew into the role and got better, became a franchise guy - it just turned out that they had already hedged their bets and Brees had an injury that might have caused long term harm.

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