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Anyone have any books suggestions?

Dr. Fong

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for a quick read you could go with "world war z" by max brooks. the book was incredible, and you can finish it really quickly. the movie was hot garbage and i have no idea why they took a great story and #### all over it like that.


I second "World War Z" - great book, awful movie. Would have been a much better HBO 10-part miniseries.

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I second "World War Z" - great book, awful movie. Would have been a much better HBO 10-part miniseries.

i loved reading that book. i have read it a few times and each time i think i found something new to enjoy that i may have missed before. and each time i read it i couldn't help but think...i would love for this to be adapted into a movie (and your idea for a cable tv series is even better). then the movie came out and i knew from the first preview i was going to hate it.

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I finally have some time to do some reading as I will have a three week vacation and two 24 hour flights to fill. I'm looking for pure escapism. Not really interested in anything non fiction. I like sci-fi, horror, and fantasy that doesn't suck (which unfortunately is too much of it).

Hard to say what makes good fantasy for you, but there are 3 series I'm currently reading that I think are excellent (each has two books so far):


The KingKiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfus

Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

Raven's Shadow by Anthony Ryan

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Infinite Jest by D.F. Wallace


What a crazy book, takes forever to read because you have to keep searching through that index in order to understand what the hell he's talking about sometimes. I got a few chapters in and basically quit. Maybe I'll start it back up at some point.

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