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Tebow Time


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Why wouldn't we draft a real TE who's played the position all through college and knows how to play that role vs. converting a QB who does not have proper mechanics and only won in Denver due to an excellent defense. His passer rating was atrocious, as well as his footwork, throwing motion and accuracy.


I know he is a good moral person who is very like able. I don't dislike him, but he does not possess the skills to be successful in the NFL. If he really wants to play, go to the CFL, or just stay as an analyst. There are some very good reasons why 32 teams who could have picked him up at the minimum, chose not to do so.

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Fellow conservative, moral Christian, amazing heart, guy is a winner.

he's a conservative is a positive?

BTW, I've seen a lot of "moral Christians" do some immoral things




Not anymore you're not.




do I put a +1 if I agree ? - 1 + - 1 + - 1 = -3

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Draft Manziel and sign Tebow, that would be a fun pre losing season!


Let's reanimate Earl Morrall. That will create a buzz cut.

I 110% agree with you ! The guy was in the perfect position to learn under Payton Manning as a #2/ #3 QB & as you said the dude just wins . But i believe because of his strong moral & belief structure the guy was not given the opportunity that others would have been given they wins that he had .


The dude would beyond a shadow of a doubt have worked harder than any one on the team to change what ever he needed to to become a better QB & if a coach would have worked around his strengths he would still be winning for a team some where because thats what he does .


It's just a shame that because he didn't fit the mold he has been tossed aside with out a reasonable fair shake even if that means sitting behind another QB or on a practice squad to just see if he can be developed ...


The entire thing makes as much sense as some of the fans here hating Flutie Go Figure :wacko: !!


We're still at +1

-3 and counting

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