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What would be the impact of Disclosure on your politics?

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Thomas Jefferson filed the first official US Gov't report on a UFO sighting. Truman allegedly signed treaties with them. Presidents Ford, Reagan and Clinton all had personal sightings that affected their outlook on the world greatly. And now, seemingly every month, a new high level government leader makes a statement that leads many to speculate disclosure is at hand. From Canada to France to Russia to Iran, world leaders are speaking out about the possibilities that alien life not only exists, but is already visiting our little blue marble.


Whether you believe or not, let's talk hypothetically. This is not intended to be taken seriously other than in theory.


If the governments of the world announced today, backed with concrete proof, that alien life is indeed visiting Earth and has been since at least 1940s, how would your personal politics change? Would they change at all? Reagan made a speech to the UN claiming that such knowledge would unite the world in a way never before seen as all the partisan politics and things that divide humanity would suddenly become moot.


Wishful thinking or reality? Would there be panic? Would there be unrest? How would you respond to the knowledge that your government has been withholding a vital piece of information about your reality for your entire life? Would they ever be able to get your trust back (if they ever had it to begin with)? Or would it just be forgotten news by the time the next news cycle starts?

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Do you think it mattes which nation "breaks" the story? If China were to come out and offer proof that they're here and their presence has been covered up for decades by largely US interests (or NWO as Meazza points out), does that have an impact on our nation's standing in the world?

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Do you think it mattes which nation "breaks" the story? If China were to come out and offer proof that they're here and their presence has been covered up for decades by largely US interests (or NWO as Meazza points out), does that have an impact on our nation's standing in the world?


I don't think our standing would be affected since secular advanced societies are more likely to accept this reality in comparison to the more backwards nations that derive their laws and leaders on a sacred holy book.

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Can someone provide a few links to these allusions by government officials to the existence of extraterrestrial life? I haven't seen these stories in the news and the best I could find was this.



Edited by Jauronimo
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as far as I'm concerned, UFOs and alien visitors are two completely different things. most of us have seen something in the sky we didn't recognize and have wondered what it could be, but not all of us attibute such things to the presence of otherworldly life forms. there are too many barriers, physics being the biggest, that would prevent life from another world from getting here from wherever it is that they would come from.


I absolutely agree with Reagan's statements regarding humanity bonding as never before if the presence of an alien race was shown to exist. I can't honestly say if it would have any impact on my personal politics or values though, except to feel a stronger kinship with people and cultures that differ from ours.


I definitely believe that covering up any such knowledge would be more beneficial than harmful, because I think most people would panic if the truth of alien visitation became public knowledge.


as far as my losing trust in the government, that already happened years ago. learning that they had covered up contact with extraterrestrial beings would probably restore a little bit of respect I used to have for them.


I don't think our standing would be affected since secular advanced societies are more likely to accept this reality in comparison to the more backwards nations that derive their laws and leaders on a sacred holy book.

at this specific point in time, there is no greater proof of any other life anywhere in the universe than there is proof of the existance of god. to believe in either one requires faith.

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Wishful thinking or reality? Would there be panic? Would there be unrest? How would you respond to the knowledge that your government has been withholding a vital piece of information about your reality for your entire life? Would they ever be able to get your trust back (if they ever had it to begin with)? Or would it just be forgotten news by the time the next news cycle starts?

I think it would largely depend on the intentions of the Aliens; and given that, I think it would play out like a Harry Turtledove novel.

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Can someone provide a few links to these allusions by government officials to the existence of extraterrestrial life? I haven't seen these stories in the news....



Also worth noting, Reagan in his papers may have intentionally (or unintentionally depending on your thinking of the man's mental prowess) left a big clue about disclosure in his journal entry dated June 11th 1985 where he stated: "Lunch with 5 top space scientist. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people."


*What's interesting is that in 1985 -- let alone today -- we did not possess shuttles capable of transporting more than 6 people at a time. Many have speculated that what Reagan was actually talking about was the secret space program that was fueled by reverse engineering alien tech.


Reagan also had two close encounters on two different occasions, including one where he and Nancy experienced "missing time" on their way to a Hollywood party. This is all rumors and inuendo, but it's one of those stories that continues to stick.


Nixon: He apparently took his friend and Honeymooner's star Jackie Gleason for a private tour of a USAF base in Florida where bodies of ETs were kept. The event reportedly shook Gleason so deeply he was never the same. (Pure Hollywood conjecture)


Clinton: Recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to discuss Area 51 and aliens (this was this month) -- two subjects that he spoke at great length about considering the format of the late night talker -- http://abcnews.go.co...f-aliens-exist/


Heller: Already covered by Meazza.


Iran: http://www.forbes.co...rs-battle-ufos/

Accidental disclosure of either advanced US tech (capable of leaving low earth orbit) or possible UFO encounters.


And, from Russia, an off the cuff remark by a Russian official who has never taken back what he said, his comments can be seen here: https://www.youtube....h?v=CMDN50_pwQk It should be noted that the documentary he is referring to is not the Will Smith / Tommy Lee Jones movie MIB but a russian documentary on the subject of UFOs with a similar name.


Many, many more from Russia, France and the UK have come out in the past 18 months and counting.

Edited by GreggyT
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at this specific point in time, there is no greater proof of any other life anywhere in the universe than there is proof of the existance of god. to believe in either one requires faith.


I agree but I believe in the possibility of both, I simply don't believe in organized religion. Believing that an omnipotent being created the universe, etc does not equal believing that what I read when I open the bible, the torah or the quran reflect what this omnipotent being wants from humanity.



This guy didn't leave anything out. Aliens, Bilderbergers, illumati, bankers, blood for oil, boston marathon, 9/11, the only thing he didn't touch on was Da Vinci code ****.


That is the MO of some of these people. They visit websites that further the discussions and obviously tie in all the usual conspiracy theories.

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I agree but I believe in the possibility of both, I simply don't believe in organized religion. Believing that an omnipotent being created the universe, etc does not equal believing that what I read when I open the bible, the torah or the quran reflect what this omnipotent being wants from humanity.

I understand. when you put it that way, it's easier for me to agree with.

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I agree but I believe in the possibility of both, I simply don't believe in organized religion. Believing that an omnipotent being created the universe, etc does not equal believing that what I read when I open the bible, the torah or the quran reflect what this omnipotent being wants from humanity.




That is the MO of some of these people. They visit websites that further the discussions and obviously tie in all the usual conspiracy theories.

I'm willing to consider the idea. But I read the transcript from the Heller testimony, watched the video and hes a total crack pot. Basically none of his information had anything to do with what he learned while serving as Canada's Scout Master General. Its equivalent to the head of the CIA presenting a bunch of **** he read on the internet. The Russian documentary about aliens corroborates nothing of what Medvedev said, which I can only guess was a joke or a terrible translation. I got my hopes up for nothing.

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... there are too many barriers, physics being the biggest, that would prevent life from another world from getting here from wherever it is that they would come from.


That is only true if what we know of the physical laws of the universe are 100% accurate. Considering the bulk of information we do not know, it seems arrogant to assume that because we haven't figured out a way to transverse the vast distances of the stars ourselves that no other sentient life form in the universe has either.


I'm willing to consider the idea. But I read the transcript from the Heller testimony, watched the video and hes a total crack pot. Basically none of his information had anything to do with what he learned while serving as Canada's Scout Master General. Its equivalent to the head of the CIA presenting a bunch of **** he read on the internet. The Russian documentary about aliens corroborates nothing of what Medvedev said, which I can only guess was a joke or a terrible translation. I got my hopes up for nothing.

You watched the Russian documentary already?

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I'm willing to consider the idea. But I read the transcript from the Heller testimony, watched the video and hes a total crack pot. Basically none of his information had anything to do with what he learned while serving as Canada's Scout Master General. Its equivalent to the head of the CIA presenting a bunch of **** he read on the internet. The Russian documentary about aliens corroborates nothing of what Medvedev said, which I can only guess was a joke or a terrible translation. I got my hopes up for nothing.


I caught a radio clip of neil degrasse tyson from last year and he was answering questions about UFO's and he basically concluded that any possible evidence presented should go through the same process of skepticism that other fields of science go through.

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That is only true if what we know of the physical laws of the universe are 100% accurate. Considering the bulk of information we do not know, it seems arrogant to assume that because we haven't figured out a way to transverse the vast distances of the stars ourselves that no other sentient life form in the universe has either.



You watched the Russian documentary already?

I skipped around, watched about 15 minutes of it. If you have watched it, even 5 minutes of it, and found it to be compelling then I think we should talk about a few business ventures that I think you'll be VERY interested in.

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I caught a radio clip of neil degrasse tyson from last year and he was answering questions about UFO's and he basically concluded that any possible evidence presented should go through the same process of skepticism that other fields of science go through.

Of course... but that's not what happens. The rule of thumb has been to explain away UFO sightings rather than explain them. Ever since "swamp gas" became a national punchline, the scientific community has been well trained not to seriously study the phenomenon or risk their own reputations -- which in science is your only currency besides data.


I skipped around, watched about 15 minutes of it. If you have watched it, even 5 minutes of it, and found it to be compelling then I think we should talk about a few business ventures that I think you'll be VERY interested in.



I think it would largely depend on the intentions of the Aliens; and given that, I think it would play out like a Harry Turtledove novel.

Absolutely, intent would be key. If they were benevolent it would be easier to swallow than if they were hostile. The Reagan vision was a hostile alien species that would unite humanity ala Independence Day.


What if the announcement didn't know the intent of the aliens? What if the announcement / disclosure was just an acknowledgement that these things are real, they're here, and no one knows their intent but so far they haven't done any damage?


They couldn't announce that, could they? It would make them look incompetent -- more so than they already appear to be.

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That is only true if what we know of the physical laws of the universe are 100% accurate. Considering the bulk of information we do not know, it seems arrogant to assume that because we haven't figured out a way to transverse the vast distances of the stars ourselves that no other sentient life form in the universe has either.


I base what I say purely on Einstein's relativity, which although is technically still a theory, has proven to be accurate, with the exception of how it relates to subatomic particles, quantum physics specifically. that same set of physics applies to the entire universe, so time/distance/lifespan would apply to all living organisms.

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