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Record Store Day tomorrow

The Poojer

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Don't remind me...I will be slinging vinyl at my PT job tomorrow...this has become one of those things that has gotten almost too big for its' britches! Oh well, good to see people still getting excited about buying music...


If anyone is in Austin, stop by an say hello!



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Our store had one of its' best days ever...when I left the joint around 8pm, we at about 104 grand on the day...we did 9. 6 on Record Store Day last year...what a zoo....but good vibes all around. I am told there were about 450 people lined up to get in the store at opening time. It really never slowed down until about 7pm. The only thing I picked up were the Gram Parsons and Strummer/Pou ges vinyl, And a Nick Cave action figure! Gifts down the road...

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