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Hot for Teacher: Williamsville edition

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Teachers certainly find the time to dominate my facebook feed with their self-pity. Its a constant stream of woe about how educators get no credit and in a perfect world they would be paid more than athletes or movie stars. Top 10 reasons why teacher is the hardest job ever.


I do enjoy hearing about how I lack perspective from people who never left the warm waters of academia.

Exactly, It's good for a laugh now and then. I attend a local state University of a relatively high caliber... when I inform someone within the University community I also work full time they look at me as if I'm from another planet.


I do not engage in the whole "whoa is me" bs that teachers do. This is just an excuse. To suggest that teachers are the only professionals who "work 24/7/365" is also very shortsighted. I'm suggesting that teachers, especially those of younger grades, deserve every penny that they earn and more. And yes, this include that 92k/year art hag. It may be cliche, but we take pride in our role of building the next generation. At least I do! I teach special education, I am proud of my work, but I do not want to be put on a pedestal. I just do my job and expect to be compensated. Teachers ARE getting royally screwed in North Carolina though. My wife (also a teacher) and I have not had a raise or even a pay increase based on accrued years of service since 2007. Also, tenure has been stripped as of this current legislative session which impacts my wife but not me. I'm not complaining. I still enjoy my job and live a healthy lifestyle. I'm suggesting that we deserve positive recognition by those not in academia. And to the original topic, hell no!

You're obviously one of the good ones... I still can't stomach 92k for art, hell I can't stomach raises based on seniority instead of merit, but we need more educators such as yourself.

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Exactly, It's good for a laugh now and then. I attend a local state University of a relatively high caliber... when I inform someone within the University community I also work full time they look at me as if I'm from another planet.



You're obviously one of the good ones... I still can't stomach 92k for art, hell I can't stomach raises based on seniority instead of merit, but we need more educators such as yourself.

Thank you. And tell your classmates that hard work is the best type of knowledge one can gain.


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I teach special education, I am proud of my work, but I do not want to be put on a pedestal.




I'm suggesting that we deserve positive recognition by those not in academia.




Also, I believe it is "woe is me", not "whoa is me". Unless you are Joey Lawrence from nineties TV show Blossom. In which case, can I get an autograph? My little sister loved you as a kid. Whoaaaa!

Edited by KikoSeeBallKikoGetBall
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