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Anyone see Napoleon Dynamite

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How many of you stayed till past the credits?  I bet you don't even know about the wedding scene with Nap's brother and LaFonda.  Most people leave during the credits and miss it.  It's about another 5 minutes of movie.




I caught it. He looked funny riding that horse.



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Everybody has one movie that they hate but everyone else likes.  Napoleon Dynamite is that for me.  I just don't get it.  Terrible movie.  Only thing remotely watchable is that dance he did following the speeches.


Like "Office Space", it's a movie that's much funnier to talk about than it was to watch.

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This movie is great. The added bonus is that, unlike office space, this is a family movie. It is rated PG, and "crap" might be the worst word uttered, which makes it even more amazing it is so funny. Reccomended to anyone with an appreciation of stupid humor.

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I think you could make the argument that 'Pulp Fiction' had no plot, but was more a series of events (out of sequence) that often related to one another. I'm not saying this movie is in the same class as Pulp Fiction, cause it isn't. PF was one of the greatest movies ever (IMHO), but I truly enjoyed Napoleon Dynamite.

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How many of you stayed till past the credits?  I bet you don't even know about the wedding scene with Nap's brother and LaFonda.  Most people leave during the credits and miss it.  It's about another 5 minutes of movie.






are you kidding me? now i gotta rent it again. oh well, i watched it once and returned it and was upset i didn't keep it to watch again. now i have more of a reason to rent it again.

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best part is when he gets a steak in the face when he's riding the bike,

I almost piss my pants everytime I see that part



The part that had me cracking up was the one where they cut to him standing by a locker doing nothing, and then all of a sudden some dude walks by and SLAMS him into it without hardly breaking his stride........I think if there had been more to that scene I may not have laughed that hard.......but that literally was the entire scene......the fact that it was so random contributed to the humor.....at least for me <_<

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I couldn't believe that movie hooked me...it's so freakin' stupid....I guess it's like a car wreck.


Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again?

Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!

Don: Did you shoot any?

Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?

Don: What kind of gun did you use?

Napoleon Dynamite: A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think?

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