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EJ Manuel IS our franchise QB


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I respect your opinion but do strongly disagree.


The NFL is like the Arena League at this point. Everything hinges on the quarterback. It makes zero sense to not take a shot at finding a top qb, especially with the new CBA. Manuel was a first round pick. He was the first QB selected and he costs pennies.


Based on what he has shown it would be silly for the Bills to not take another shot at a good QB, or so I think.


Based on your response I'm going to guess that I missed the frame in which the original question was asked (admittedly, I wasn't closely following your exchange with Badol)...I was merely evaluating the QB class of 2014 irrespective of the Bills.


I would absolutely condone taking a QB in the draft this year for competition, especially if someone like Murray or Mettenberger drops precipitously after their injuries.


I don't think either will go in round 1 but a lot will depend on how they look in the buildup to the draft. There was very little thought of Manuel going in round 1 at this point last year.



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Am I the only one who still believes in him? I believe that next year he will take a huge step forward and we will be in playoff contention. He has the body, leadership, mind, legs and arm to be a great QB. Somewhere along the line at FSU, someone seriously messed up his throwing mechanics. It affects his accuracy, and everyone can see it. But WHEN, not IF, he figures it out, this Bills team is going to be good. Its hard to see now but bright things are ahead, put trust into Marrone, Manuel and Whaley.

Wondering how you know he had good throwing mechanics before college. Unless you went to his high school games you are wishing and hoping and have not a clue.


I don't remember any NFL qb who improved his throwing mechanics. I have seen them get better at reading their environment,

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People want to complicate the issue, but the kid just can't throw. I know money and egos and reputations and jobs are on the line, but somebody -- somebody influential -- at One Bills Drive has to call this what it is -- a mistake -- and move on.

I will agree that at times he looks stiff and unathletic when he throws, but nobody can deny that he's also made some very pretty throws too.


I think he can get the job done but I would like to see him be less careful, especially when we're behind. Maybe the coaches have confused him by drilling the "don't turn it over" mantra into him so hard.

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I will agree that at times he looks stiff and unathletic when he throws, but nobody can deny that he's also made some very pretty throws too.


I think he can get the job done but I would like to see him be less careful, especially when we're behind. Maybe the coaches have confused him by drilling the "don't turn it over" mantra into him so hard.


Apparently you haven't read enough of this thread... :rolleyes:

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Upon further review:


Not that EJ's accuracy doesn't leave room for improvement, but his biggest shortcomings are having trouble picking up the blitz/reacting to pressure, reading the field, and locking in on receivers. He had a few off target passes last week, like that bounce pass to Graham, but for the most part accuracy wasn't his problem, decision making was. He had a few plays last Sunday where he threw to the only receiver on the field that was well covered. One of them was his INT when he tried to go to TJ Graham who couldn't have been covered better. On another INT he stared down Stevie all the way, then threw it when there was virtually no chance of anyone but the defender catching the ball. On that play Graham was wide open right beside Stevie and Woods was open enough behind Stevie.


The good news is decision making improves with experience. If he can get better at feeling where the pressure is coming from, surveying the field, and consistently finding the open receivers he could be very good. At this point he's got a ways to go, but I'm feeling more optimistic about his prospects for development.

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