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Future Fans


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I've always been a fan of the teams my dad roots for in sports (NHL, MLB, NFL) I have a 2 year old myself and got him all kinds of Bills gear and already try to get him watching games with me. After sleeping on it last night, I honestly feel it would be cruel to have my son suffer through the agony of being a Bills fan. I feel I should set him free and let him choose his own team (except the pats). Does anyone else feel this way?

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I've always been a fan of the teams my dad roots for in sports (NHL, MLB, NFL) I have a 2 year old myself and got him all kinds of Bills gear and already try to get him watching games with me. After sleeping on it last night, I honestly feel it would be cruel to have my son suffer through the agony of being a Bills fan. I feel I should set him free and let him choose his own team (except the pats). Does anyone else feel this way?


Probably a good idea. Especially if you don't live in Bflo.


Other teams I would add to your list: Miami, Jets & Cowboys.

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I've always been a fan of the teams my dad roots for in sports (NHL, MLB, NFL) I have a 2 year old myself and got him all kinds of Bills gear and already try to get him watching games with me. After sleeping on it last night, I honestly feel it would be cruel to have my son suffer through the agony of being a Bills fan. I feel I should set him free and let him choose his own team (except the pats). Does anyone else feel this way?




I have various friends that are Yankee fans and Pats fans, etc... I dont really envy them at all. In a way they are really missing out. The real thrill of the chase is gone. Games arent really meaningful until the Conference Championships. Bills fan is exceptionally bad because there is just no good things at all. I am thinking though if we are blessed with a new local owner, the team will once again break out of its 53 year slumber.


Being a Bills, Sabres, and Indians fan, I wouldnt trade it for anything.

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I've just about given up on the NFL in general.


The sport is becoming a sad shell of itself. I've got no confidence the Bills will ever become something. Meanwhile, the same teams win year after year.


As I spend another Sunday night/Monday morning in a terrible mood (thanks to the Bills), I can't help but wonder if my time would be better spent doing something else.

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lol Why would you NOT let your son chose which team he roots for?


It's not that you don't let them choose. It's just that if it's something you share with them from a very early age and it becomes something you do together (cheering and suffering for the Bills), then it's likely to stick with them.


I've had the same thoughts with my little one.

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