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Has Weei 850 AM in Boston has reported??

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Probably fake because teams dont go releasing players while there is still 3 weeks left in the NFL season... :D. Plus I think the whole point was to release him after March 1st to avoid a cap hit, so why would he expect to get released "any day now"?


Not that I wouldnt like to see Bledsoe go bye-bye, but they are probably just reporting the same ol' Mort report.

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Probably fake because teams dont go releasing players while there is still 3 weeks left in the NFL season... :D.  Plus I think the whole point was to release him after March 1st to avoid a cap hit, so why would he expect to get released "any day now"?

There is a $1M roster bonus due on March 1st, so if they release him, it would be before then.

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WEEI could report that the sun will rise tomorrow morning, and I still wouldn't believe it until I saw it happen with my own eyes.


Total yahoo radio.


A year ago they said the A-Rod to Boston trade was a done deal.



I didnt hear it on there at all today! I did hear that parcell and Drew "built modern Patriots history"!


They claim to be the #1 sports radio station int he nation! What happened to Mike and the Mad Dog! Why would anyone want to cut Drew??????

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Someone told me today that Sports Radio Weei 850 AM in Boston has reported: Source close to Bledsoe's agent said "Bledsoe refused a pay cut and expects to be released from the Bills any day now....


Has ANYONE heard this or can verify it???


Nice pot sturingAir!



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Thats the worst thing Ive ever heard.  :D

Hardly. Since I expect the Bills to concentrate on the O-line and since I'll have to SEE Losman play well before I believe he's ready, having Bledsoe take a paycut and at worst be the starter if Losman can't hack it is the best situation of all. It's not like great QB's are out there just waiting to learn a new system and take the Bills to the SB.

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Why do people still think working on the offensive line is going to make Bledsoe better?

True. The receivers will still drop passes and the Bills still need a TE. But at least it will get the running game going, which will help a lot.

I saw an offensive line pass protect as good as any in the NFL in the last half of the season and, yet Bledsoe could still only put up mediocre numbers.

Read above

And, again, why does the QB have to be Bledsoe if Losman isn't ready to start?

Who do you suggest? Who will come in, learn a new system, and produce?

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