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[closed]Sign Byrd long term


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We certainly have the cap space and the D is immensely better with him on the field. The guy is a play maker and a big hitter and even if it means over paying a bit, WHO CARES??? He is a pro-bowl level Safety and if he don't sign him long term, we will end up spending an early round pick finding someone to fill that huge void.


This is a LOADED draft, to waste a top 2 round or even a 3rd rounder on a safety and let them battle it out with Duke Williams, Searcy (who is much better suiter in role he;s in now, as the nickel safety) when he already have a a star on current roster would be beyond foolish.


We have a sure thing in Byrd and he's finally on a D that is a playoff caliber. If we re-sign him, and have another good draft, this is definitely a playoff contender next yr. Losing Jairus would be HUGE step back.


It's 1 thing to let a guy like Levitre walk for more money then he was worth, MUCH easier finding a Guard (even though this replacements have been bad) but Legursky is coming along and can be easily solved in offseason via FA or a mid mid round pick to duke it out with Legursky in camp.


Finding a replacement for Byrd in this day and age of NFL where teams throw so much would be HUGE headache. Now that our secondary is finally healthy and having Aaron Williams over at SS where he has excelled and Mcluvin having a great yr and has become as solid #2 opposite Gilmore who has had his struggles but is still a top flight CB. With our DL, Kiko and Lawson at LB (need another LB) and this secondary, we are in great shape coming into next yr not to mention that alot of our key skill positions players ofn O are rooks and our RB;s are set...


We finally have a team that is very few pieces away from being a playoff type team. With another good off season with a couple of solid FA signings and another good draft and hopefully EJ taking a big step forward.... We have a lot to be excited about.


However, it ALL starts with inking Byrd.





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