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HS teacher arrested for DWI in the middle of teaching class at school

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If she has any common sense she should try to say she drove to school sober and then got after it in the parking lot or school bathroom or teachers lounge crushing her coffee travel mug full of vodka Orange juice. If I had to teach high schoolers I would drink before work too.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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If she has any common sense she should try to say she drove to school sober and then got after it in the parking lot or school bathroom or teachers lounge crushing her coffee travel mug full of vodka Orange juice. If I had to teach high schoolers I would drink before work too.

Yeah, that would be a tough one to prove in court because they didn't catch her driving. My sister in law crashed her van drinking and driving (not cool) and the couldn't convict her because when the cops showed up she was not in the vehicle. Said she drank after crashing the van and they could not prove otherwise (also not cool).

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