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Stevie: Tired of sitting in January, asks "When's our turn?&#

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No, you don't have to beat the Patriots to earn the playoffs. But instead of waiting for your turn, you could actually win the game and set the tone for the season. Instead, he dropped a pass that probably would have made a big difference. Certainly would have prolonged a drive. That's not how you win, that's how you wait your turn.

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What pisses me off about Stevie is his smiling after missing the catch today. You should not be the slightest bit amused when you miss a critical catch like that.


He made a lovely TD in double coverage today.


But that happy face in times of failure irks me.

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What pisses me off about Stevie is his smiling after missing the catch today. You should not be the slightest bit amused when you miss a critical catch like that.


He made a lovely TD in double coverage today.


But that happy face in times of failure irks me.


I think you need to calibrate your irk-ometer. One of the characteristics of a good player is the ability to forget a bad play just after it happened, and keep it forgotten until you're watching film. So don't be irked about that.


The non-catch just by itself is sufficiently irksome. As said elsewhere, Stevie, if you want to stop waiting your turn, start making those.


If you lose the opener, no matter who it is, you don't get a turn at the playoffs.



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