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Where Do Bad Discussions Go to Die?

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Nah...they will be included in the DVD box set.


Good idea! So who are the leading candidates to do the audio commentary?


Imagine if you will...


"As you can see here, the original poster tried to make the simple point that his shlong had a nickname. It was about post number 5 that the thread really took a turn for the worse...."

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People actually get genuinely pissed off over a message board?  Whoa.


At times it definately seems that way.


I've never gotten angry or upset but I do find myself frustrated with some people's stupidity/ignorance on an almost-daily basis. Then i remember that we all like the bills despite diffenences of opinion.

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Fyou!  Now what kind of damn sandwich you want.  Come on hurry up ****, kitchen closed in 10 minutes.


It doesn't matter. As long as it has some kind of dead animal on it (let me caveat that by saying I don't much care for organ meat), I'll try it. Just make sure it's not fru fru.

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It doesn't matter.  As long as it has some kind of dead animal on it (let me caveat that by saying I don't much care for organ meat), I'll try it.  Just make sure it's not fru fru.



So I take it no sauteed sweetbreads on grilled sourdough with roasted garlic mayonnaise? Damn, now when that sounds good you know it's dinner time!

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