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American Enterprise Institute Outlines HCR Plan

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Come on 3rdrate cut Birdog a break he probably got his information from a conservative like Herman Cain and you know how those conservatives are- a bunch of pathological liars .


lyrbob, coming out of the closet and admitting that he really doesn't have me on "ignore" but has been terrified to debate me on the subjects that I have ridiculed him on. You'd think that any self-respecting man would have defended himself, but lyrbob hid behind the excuse that he had me on "ignore" and didn't see my numerous remarks about his real ignorance in the real estate and mortgage lending fields, but also failed to see my many remarks concerning his posting of other people's work here and making it appear that it was his. lyrbob, done in by his love affair with youtube, again.


In fact, lyrbob I'm calling you out. Explain to me your expertise in the real estate and mortgage industry. Furthermore, don't do it utilizing someone else's youtube video or someone's obscure posting that you can claim as your own. For once, act like a man, or admit you're just a kitty.


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When you correct for the differences, it's better. And a driver of innovation. All of which lead to greater costs.

mmm, hmmm. that's what i thought. is their an algorithm for those calculations? let's revisit posts 10,11 and 14 of this thread... and we're still waiting for b boy to officially weigh in.
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mmm, hmmm. that's what i thought. is their an algorithm for those calculations? let's revisit posts 10,11 and 14 of this thread... and we're still waiting for b boy to officially weigh in.

No, I can't give you an algorithm. I can however with certainty say that trying to save a baby born extremely premature, which would otherwise be classified as "stillborn" by socialized medicine countries and thus not appear in "infant mortality" stats like if born in the US, costs a fair amount. So too does end of life care. And fertility treatments. And Viagra presciptions. And malpractice insurance. And medical education. And innovation.

Edited by Doc
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True I don't know the past but it doesn't really matter. You've clearly been holding onto lybob hate for a while lol ... It's ppp

3rdrate doesn't hate me he's infatuated with me, I'm sure if I looked at his post I'd see the frustration of unrequited love
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Rep. Louie Gohmert charged on Sunday that President Barack Obama lied when he said during his White House press conference Friday that Republicans want to stop Americans from getting health care.

“That's a false narrative. He said that we're trying to keep people from getting health care. That's just not true. That is an absolute, blatant lie," the Texas Republican said. "We're not trying to keep anybody from getting health care. And whether or not they have insurance under an exchange or not does not prevent people from getting health care."


No Louie, the President is 100% right, you are the liar, not Obama

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No Louie, the President is 100% right, you are the liar, not Obama


Substantiate your claim with specifics. Don't dance around and try to get me to play your game. I want you to back up your statement that Rep. Gohmert is lying. If you are unable to do that then it will be apparent to other posters here just what you are. I had you pegged as a troll after your first few posts and everyone of your subsequent posts have confirmed that.

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Substantiate your claim with specifics. Don't dance around and try to get me to play your game. I want you to back up your statement that Rep. Gohmert is lying. If you are unable to do that then it will be apparent to other posters here just what you are. I had you pegged as a troll after your first few posts and everyone of your subsequent posts have confirmed that.


Not sure what you think is so difficult about this. Republicans are against universal or comprehensive health care and they want to trash Obamacare. Can you follow that logic on how people will lose their health care? How can't you understand something so obvious? It's evil, yes, but its the truth If that's trolling, its a might far more logical than what you and that Adams fellow are doing.


And who can forget this?


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So everyone that needs a doctor can see one

LOL! Under Obamacare, you won't see a doctor for months and are more likely to see an APRN or PA. But I can guarantee you that if you were to call up a doctor and say "I need to be seen and I can pay in cash," you'll be seen a lot sooner. Expecting it to be cheap or free is not a right.

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LOL! Under Obamacare, you won't see a doctor for months and are more likely to see an APRN or PA. But I can guarantee you that if you were to call up a doctor and say "I need to be seen and I can pay in cash," you'll be seen a lot sooner. Expecting it to be cheap or free is not a right.


Oh sure, lol. So you want to do away with Obamacare and not replace it with another universal care law, right?

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Oh sure, lol. So you want to do away with Obamacare and not replace it with another universal care law, right?

Do away with Obamacare, yes. Not replace it? No. But my system would be so Draconian, you'd be begging for the old system.

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Not sure what you think is so difficult about this. Republicans are against universal or comprehensive health care and they want to trash Obamacare. Can you follow that logic on how people will lose their health care? How can't you understand something so obvious? It's evil, yes, but its the truth If that's trolling, its a might far more logical than what you and that Adams fellow are doing.


And who can forget this?




What a pile of crap. The ACA is so !@#$ed up that even the people that will be administering it have asked for waivers from it. Congress is getting an exemption. Unions hate it. Businesses hate it. The majority of the population hates it. As designed it can't work, and it certainly will not save money. It is destined to be so bad that it can only be rescued by more government control or in other words, Universal Healthcare. This has become more and more apparent the closer we get to the implementation of it. Congress is finally seeing that it is FUBAR. So no, Gohmert isn't the one lying, it's Obama who wants to blame someone else for the abortion of the ACA bill that is his prized accomplishment who is lying.


Now, you can stick that taken out of context video up your ass. You are like so many libs that come here to troll---all hat and no cattle.

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Do away with Obamacare, yes. Not replace it? No. But my system would be so Draconian, you'd be begging for the old system.


Why in the hell do you guys engage this dolt? It's like reading something written by Nancy Pelosi or DWS. There is no logic. This is no discussion. Just random comments meant to trigger discussions that allow him/her to continue spewing more ridiculous nonsense...which gets MORE people to respond so he/she can provide even MORE ridiculous nonsense.


If everyone ignores him/her, he/she will ultimately go away.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Why in the hell do you guys engage this dolt? It's like reading something written by Nancy Pelosi or DWS. There is no logic. This is no discussion. Just random comments meant to trigger discussions that allow him/her to continue spewing more ridiculous nonsense...which gets MORE people to respond so he/she can provide even MORE ridiculous nonsense.


If everyone ignores him/her, he/she will ultimately go away.

Sorry. Just bored and he/she is an easy mark.

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Sorry. Just bored and he/she is an easy mark.


Don't need to apologize to me. I'm just surprised you guys still toy with his/her schtick. It's one thing if you have someone like conner who picks a cause and then is consistently wrong about it. This guy is simply saying stuff he knows will piss people off. It's like reading a Tim Graham tweet after a Bills game; it provides no thoughtful insight...it's designed to do nothing more than get as many people as possible into a frustrated lather.

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