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As Oscar Wilde supposedly said, "We're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."


For me it would never be any other way.


Good quote. I"m optomistic that the Bills make the Playoffs, the Pirates make the Playoffs!!!!!!

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When I am on my deathbed many years from now, or even if something happened to me today, I sincerely doubt my last thoughts will include:


"Dammit, if only I'd been more realistic about the Bills chances in the off-season".


:lol: When you think about it that way, being "a realist" starts to approach absurd, doesn't it?

When I am on my deathbed I sincerely doubt the Bills will be on my mind at all.

It is interesting though that you think being a realist is approaching absurd.

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Lovie Smith is, Marrone is not.


And this is based on what? Prior to Marrone, Nix hired exactly ONE HC. Quite a sample to base everything on.

Prior to the hiring of Gailey, Nix stated he wanted a HC with previous NFL HC experience.

After he fired Gailey, Nix stated previous NFL HC experience was NOT going to be a requirement for the new HC.


Why is it when Nix said "A", he acquired an "A", everybody believes it.

But when when Nix said "B", and the Bills acquired a "B", nobody wants to believe Nix had anything to do with it.

Edited by Cynical
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I don't know how we'll look, but I'm SURE Billy Boy would rather prepare for a Gailey, Jouron or Mularkey Bills team.


You bring up an interesting point. There's no film on this offense. It'll be hard for NE to prepare I would think, especially if EJ is the starter week #1.


Same goes for the defense I suppose.

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I would mostly agree with this but does that mean the Marrone hiring is a Brandon deal?


Unfortunately, people do believe that, and they will even point out media articles that talks about the subject.

IIRC, there is no actual report that states Brandon/Whaley hired Marrone, just speculation that the hiring "seems" like

it was done by Brandon/Whaley.


Here's a concept. The media has no clue WTF they are talking about.

Case in point.


Earlier this year, the media spent some time discussing how the Sabans were tired of being in Tuscaloosa, how Nick was no longer having "fun", and felt he was under constant pressure to "win". There was even a thread on this board discussing it.


Too bad the media and the people who believed the media were clueless.


The story was traced back to a speculation blog post by a journalist out of Boston, based on a interview Terry Saban (Nick's wife) gave to a radio station in Alabama.


In short, the blog post was a classic example of "selective" hearing: hearing what they wanted to hear, and not paying attention to the actual "facts" being said.


Do I think Nix pulled the trigger himself, by himself? No.

Do I think Nix was excluded? Not by a long shot.

Personally, IMHO, if Brandon/Whaley had done an end around move like hire the HC without Nix's input, Nix would have resigned.

Do I have proof of this? No. Purely an opinion based how Nix comes across as a person. (Hope the media does not pick on this).

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I think it's interesting to speculate as to the unseen machinations of decision making in the Bills front office.


Ultimately I don't really care who makes the decisions as long as they turn out well.


Yeah the media reporting in this country has reached a nadir. I was watching Live at the Player's Championship last night and had to turn off the TV. It was completely unwatchable.


For a half hour all they wanted to talk about was the Woods-Garcia controversy and to make it worse, every point they made was wrong.


Just report the facts and let the viewers draw their own conclusions. I can't stand when half-wits try force feeding their opinions.


Reporting and journalism seem to have zero motivation to be fair, balanced, and objective. All you have is idiots screaming stupid opinions in the name of ratings and traffic.


Sorry for the rant.

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You bring up an interesting point. There's no film on this offense. It'll be hard for NE to prepare I would think, especially if EJ is the starter week #1.


Same goes for the defense I suppose.

The Patriot's can get an idea of the Defense because it should be a little like the Jets, but they won't have anything on the offense. If Coach Marrone is smart he won't show his hand in the preseason.

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When I am on my deathbed I sincerely doubt the Bills will be on my mind at all.

Yeah...that's the point. Great job, you nailed it. :rolleyes:

It is interesting though that you think being a realist is approaching absurd.

Anybody with the handle CodeMonkey should understand what the word "approaches" means in the context I used it, and the context overall.


Or are you an Drooopal kinda guy? :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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