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Site has 5 Bills games listed as the worst of 2013 NFL season


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Agree entirely. Everything else including playoffs and Superbowl are just omewhat entertaining.

I can't speak for you, but for me that is true. If the Bills aren't playing, I don't care as much.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Sorry, but naming the 5 worst games of a football season that doesn't start for another 5 months is pretty moronic...I can be as down on the Bills as anyone sometimes, but really? I hope nobody got paid money to sit an opine about this type of thing. It has nothing to do with how good or bad the Bills, or any other team are...how many games have been hyped as the "game of the century" in the spring, only to be duds in the fall? Remember that game a few years ago (2010 was it?) where the Bills were supposed to get absolutely destroyed by the Ravens in Baltimore? Yeah, they lost, but it was in overtime, and it was a great football game.

Right on the money.

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+1. try all 16. quit the ticket this year. they are unwatchable. will get nfl rewind though for the 4 games they win.

And yet you will be here pretending to know exactly what ails the bills without watching the games. Pretending to speak from knowledge and really just shooting your mouth off. I look forward to that.....

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That 3-6 game was the worst against Cleveland. My buddy took me to the game because he had extra tickets, and actually apologized for taking me after.


I might watch the Titans a lot this year, not as much as the Bills, but I'm a Fitzhomer.

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