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This picture makes me happy...classic Bills


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Who is that?http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/photo.php?fbid=330670486982550&set=pb.191853187530948.-2207520000.1360959054&type=3&theater





You got, Talley, ?, Kenny Davis, Thurman, Chris Mohr, Jimbo, Andre and Will Wolford....I can't place the guy in the black top hat. Who is that?

Edited by Buftex
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I recognize everyone...but I can't place the guy in the hat. Who is that?http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/photo.php?fbid=330670486982550&set=pb.191853187530948.-2207520000.1360959054&type=3&theater





front row from left: Talley, Thomas, Kelly, Reed, Wolford(?)

back row from left is Ruben Brown, ???, ???


The people guessing Shane Conlan on that pic gotta be wrong. That's not Conlan.

Edited by DrDareustein
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front row from left: Talley, Thomas, Kelly, Reed, Wolford(?)

back row from left is Ruben Brown, ???, ???


The people guessing Shane Conlan on that pic gotta be wrong. That's not Conlan.


You know, at first I thought it was Ruben...but that guy looks too small. Haven't seen him since his playing days...has he gotten smaller...some of those old O-linemen do...not Wolford (that is him on the end).

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You know, at first I thought it was Ruben...but that guy looks too small. Haven't seen him since his playing days...has he gotten smaller...some of those old O-linemen do...not Wolford (that is him on the end).


I could be wrong, but Im 99% sure that's Ruben. What I want to know is, who the next 2 in the back are...

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