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Stevie was on NFL32


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1. Child, please.


2. He probably was asked about Fitzpatrick...I guess I'm just really sick of people sticking up for him. I'd rather he said something like "Whatever Coach Marrone decides"


I'm just so sick and tired of losing! *&#$%$#@#


Mort asked him if he thought fitz would be the starting QB for the Bills. Stevie said there should be an open competition, then said he though fitz would win it. Who else would he say would win? "Whichever QB we draft or trade for will probably win because fitz sucks". Is that what he's going to say? To think there was a chance he wouldn't say fitz, is crazy. He's the only QB on the roster.

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Completely agree, Stevie loves this team and wants to win. Why people find reason to knock the guy is beyond me.

Love Stevie. With a solid thrower and a decent #2, he would tear it up behind the threat of CJ running it. Man, I am back on the bandwagon... that took exactly 2 weeks. Man it sucks to be a bills fan.

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He is currently on Sports Nation w/Marcellus Wiley. He is doing pretty well and representingthe Bills in a very professional way on ESPN2. Love the Bills headware he is rocking. Like him or not Stevie is entertaining when he opines. He likes FItz. The relationship between a QB and his WRs is one we don't get. Fitz almost got him killed with his over throws.


Fitz OVERthrew someone?

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its his name...what business is it of any of us what to call him....growing up i kind of anguished about what i was gonna be called as an adult...my parents named me Patrick James with every intention of calling me PJ, after my great grand-father...as i was getting into my teens i was concerned that PJ wasn't a grown up name, but i hated Pat, and Patrick is reserved for my Mom when I am in trouble...well here i am less than 6 months from the big 5-0 and I am still PJ and wouldn't have it any other way....


Why people call a grown man "Stevie" is beyond me.


I wish he'd stop sticking up for Fitzpatrick so much...Everyone knows he's toast.

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