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Nix changing his mind on Gailey?

Jerry Jabber

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The Gailey/Fitz era will be over at the final gun of the Jets game. I doubt Nix gets fired but I can see him stepping aside in favor of Whaley.


It's not so much that the Bills will finish with another 5 or 6 win season. It's HOW they've lost games this season. It's clear they ran for the bus as soon as adversity struck yesterday. In a word, they've stopped playing for Gailey. And I think the team has given up on Fitz since the Titans game. Stevie's frustration has been visible all season long.


It's an untenable position for Gailey and Fitz.




Well said.

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Ralph needs to say were staying with chan.i'm not spending anymore money on a coach.




Nix is smart enough to know that Chan has worn out his welcome with the fans. If Chan returns it will mean less fans buying season tickets, over all ticket sales will drop, enthusiasm for the next season will be nil before it begins.

If Nix and the bean counters convince Mr Wilson to retain Chan, it means (to me) that they are intentionally running the team into the ground to soften the blow when Ralph's estate sells the team and they move to LA.


Unfortunately Buffalonians have seen something like that before.

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I agree. My real wish is Nix gets fired, and Ralph brings back Bill Polian.


I understand where you're coming from, but it has to be recognized that the Bill Polian of today is ~25 yrs older than the Bill Polian who built the Bills into a dynasty

Neither the game of football or the Bill Polian of fan's longings will be the same, and thus there is reason to doubt that the result would be the same.


As for the OP, if the Bills want to sell tickets next year they have got to make a change, and a significant one.

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Jim Harbaugh is the anti-Jauron... choosing to bench Smith and to allow Kaepernick to thrive was brilliant. I only WISH we could get a guy like that here.


Yes! The Bills need to be on the front edge of forward thinking, as opposed to copying other team's successes when the rest of the league has already begun to move on. There are other men out there who are as capable as the Harbaugh brothers - but, it's on Nix to be able to properly assess the coaches talent.


Frankly, that has been my biggest complaint with Nix/Gailey - they've shown a real inability to properly assess talent at certain positions. Now, don't get me wrong - I like Nix, and I think with the right coach he'd be more successful; I often wonder who had more say in keeping Fitz, Gailey or Nix - anyway, they passed on guys like Kaepernick (when even an armchair GM like myself saw he was the closest thing to a Cam Newton ever to play in the NFL, and thought Gailey, if he loved Newton so much, could have easily settled for Kaepernick), Dalton, Russell Wilson, Kirk Cousins - all the while seriously NEEDING a QB! To add salt to the wound, Gailey goes and prepares for the Seahawks as if Marshawn Lynch were the only guy needing to be stopped, totally failing to acknowledge Wilson's ability. All in all, the awful talent assessment of QB's needs to be addressed.


We Bills fans, to get back to the post I quoted, need to understand coaches like Harbaugh are out there, and good NFL men know who has the talent. It's another question as to whether we have good NFL men, or if we could attract a good coach, or if Wilson and Nix would be willing to do whatever it takes to get one. As far as I'm concerned, it is time for the whole organization to prove it prioritizes winning more than anything. If San Diego can fire Schottenheimer after a 14-2 regular season, if Baltimore can fire their O.C. with like the 10th scoring offense in the NFL, with a 9-4 record, sitting atop their division, then the Bills should need no prompting to get rid of an embarrassing coach who's best effort with the team, after 3 years, is a 6 win season. No more excuses - go get the coaches, and go get the QB.

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