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Freds career is over. He's a waste.



Thanks Nix for giving this scrub a contract extension only to watch him get injured 3 times in 1 year.


And THAT'S why you don't pay or rely on a RB over the age of 30 !!!


Die FO. Die!!!

Can't argue with not giving a rb over 30 a nice payday. Calling Fred a scrub is tunnel vision. In his prime he was great and took the tough road to get there. Plus him and his wife are classy people.

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Freds career is over. He's a waste.



Thanks Nix for giving this scrub a contract extension only to watch him get injured 3 times in 1 year.


And THAT'S why you don't pay or rely on a RB over the age of 30 !!!


Die FO. Die!!!

There is a running back in Minnesota that might argue that point a bit.

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I have no idea. I just hope they get someone in there that has a different one than the Hee Haw act we've been through the last 3 years.

I totally agree. There is no gameday coach who is worse than Gailey.. Clock management, use of players, play calling, strategy, decision making, understanding the flow of the game. He is an absolute idiot. He has instilled a sense of fear in his players, by his constant conservative decision making every single week. He does not put his players in the best position to win. He puts us in a position to lose every week. Not going for two at 12-7 was stupid as well. No reason not to go for the two in that spot. A confident coach goes for it there.


No team in the league but the Bills gives up that last drive at home. On the road in the elements, Sam Bradford beats no other team but us. There was not one adjustment made by Wannstadt in scheme on the last drive of the Rams. All we needed was a couple of blitzes. We drop seven, and our DB's play so confused and scared.. They had absolutely no clue how to make a play. This team is a wreck, made this way by incredibly bad coaching staff. We have to make a change. This team will NOT get better with Chan Gailey as head coach. He is NOT an NFL coach!!!

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