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How Obama's campaign used data


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Also contrast this to the Romney campaign. Romney apparently lived in the GOP bubble and thought he was winning...he couldn't even know what Nate Silver knew from the outside. Obama's squad knew they were likely good AND knew how to make it that way.

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It would be refreshing if he could put the same effort into governing as he's done in campaigning.


Haha, data mine the nation to manipulate the economy? You guys would freak and claim Obama has made himself overlord. Imagine though Fox reports on the latest Rasmussen sample of 1000 likely voters in various swing states and then Dick Morris goes on to talk about the turnout being way down (causing OC to get hard and write a novel on PPP complete w/ so many emoticons he nearly crashes the system) while in Chicago they're looking at a sample of 29,000 in the last month alone in Ohio.


I don't care to knock Romney when he's down but he's supposed to be Mr. CEO, manager extraordinaire, and he isn't writing consession speeches b/c he is totally thinking he's going win? Like I said even outside people were saying it could be huge Obama win (Silver). Romney is supposed to know how to get good people around him, get accurate info to make great decisions...and he may have basically mismanaged a $1B enterprise.

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Imagine that, you missed the point.


He obviously used a lot of data mining and then allocated his resources to get the maximum contributions and raise his "net promoter score " among the population. Too bad he doesn't follow the same logic when it comes to his policies to help revive the economy. If he did, he'd know that shovel ready projects weren't viable nor a temporary stimulus would do anything for a long term recovery.


PS - who said anything about Romney in this thread?


The only thing the article proves is that he's a master campaigner. I'm not going to hold my breath on his awakening as a President.

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Romney is supposed to know how to get good people around him, get accurate info to make great decisions...and he may have basically mismanaged a $1B enterprise.


Mittens is the Wizard of Oz... Until Toto pulled the curtain down... For such a big shot, he sure sucked at what he was supposed to do best. Thank God that incompetent hack didn't win...

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Imagine that, you missed the point.


He obviously used a lot of data mining and then allocated his resources to get the maximum contributions and raise his "net promoter score " among the population. Too bad he doesn't follow the same logic when it comes to his policies to help revive the economy. If he did, he'd know that shovel ready projects weren't viable nor a temporary stimulus would do anything for a long term recovery.


PS - who said anything about Romney in this thread?


The only thing the article proves is that he's a master campaigner. I'm not going to hold my breath on his awakening as a President.


Stimulus worked as was predicted for short term stability and set groundwork for good things he ran on. But that isn't the point. In any event, the Stimulus was created in about a month and half. So, go figure. As for money, GOP had a $715B stimulus of their own so lets not pretend this is about money.


In any event, all I'm saying...there are hacks and there are data wizards. At least this round we know who is who.

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Jessie Jackson Jr. got re-elected from the looney bin. Tells you all you need to know right there about the electorate.


The electorate is the same old idiot America it's always been. I would caution the GOP against shifting from bashing Obama to now bashing the American electorate.

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Jessie Jackson Jr. got re-elected from the looney bin. Tells you all you need to know right there about the electorate.


Hey that is my new gerrymandered district... I did not vote for him and he didn't pull from down here. I am still amazed at how he won! By a big margin too... Probably name recognition vs. the two other unkowns. Did not hear one peep from the other two running, so people naturally fell for JJJ. I mean there was nothing run as a campaign... NOTHING. If you didn't know he was sick, you were duped. I think... A lot of people left the ballot blank. Somthing like only 100+K ballots were cast. I thought the district was bigger than that.


At the same time he's negotiating a plea deal with the feds.


I wonder?


Been reall quiet here... You wouldn't even know there was an election in that district... And I am in the new district... So hush... Nothing being spent by all three running... Strange.

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