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What The Republican Party Needs To Do

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You don't own anyone. Effectively you're closing your eyes to the obvious.


Why is that all the libs on ppp have zero logic when it comes to their ideology?


Do you follow the conversation or do you just jump in with a totally asinine comment based on who you see posting?


This started with one of your conservative buddies whining and crying like a little B word and getting smacked around for being a kitty.


Then 3rdrate decided to comment, and I'm not in the mood to tolerate the imbecility of someone who hasn't generated an independent thought since three weeks before Al Gore invented the internet.


Now if you want to be next...

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I see that the tard synapses are firing again. How else do you explain the connection with your claim that TYTT is getting a free ride with a non sequitur of low tax countries? There's nearly 100% probibility that his tax bill is higher than yours, so how is he getting a free ride?


Explain that one, if you can even comprehend what I wrote?


Glad and surprised you sort of understand my question, wow. So the question is, he's doing great, making lots of money, living large, but he doesn't want to pay taxes to the country that makes that possible. You understand that? We are lucky to live here and should be happy to contribute to the nation that has given us such a great life

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Do you follow the conversation or do you just jump in with a totally asinine comment based on who you see posting?


This started with one of your conservative buddies whining and crying like a little B word and getting smacked around for being a kitty.


Then 3rdrate decided to comment, and I'm not in the mood to tolerate the imbecility of someone who hasn't generated an independent thought since three weeks before Al Gore invented the internet.


Now if you want to be next...


Actually no I've been reading the entire conversation. I just find it hilarious that you think you're winning.


If you think you're not a transparent partisan hack then I probably wont change your mind.

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I own you, 3rdrate. We've been down this road before. You finished fifth in a two person race. Do yourself (and more importantly the rest of the board) a favor and crawl back under your rock until after the grown-ups have finished talking.


Okay? Bye!


So, I mention that you libs show up after a "victory" and you immediately assume I'm talking about you? Did I hit a nerve? All you can do is throw a hissy fit and act like the dissed gay lover who talks about liking to lick clits. That cover doesn't fly. The only issue is that was a guy, and that's not a clit. Maybe if they bleached it you could be really convinced.

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Glad and surprised you sort of understand my question, wow. So the question is, he's doing great, making lots of money, living large, but he doesn't want to pay taxes to the country that makes that possible. You understand that? We are lucky to live here and should be happy to contribute to the nation that has given us such a great life

There are plenty of countries that make that happen. The ones I mention a few posts ago are the best ones.

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Do you follow the conversation or do you just jump in with a totally asinine comment based on who you see posting?


This started with one of your conservative buddies whining and crying like a little B word and getting smacked around for being a kitty.


Then 3rdrate decided to comment, and I'm not in the mood to tolerate the imbecility of someone who hasn't generated an independent thought since three weeks before Al Gore invented the internet.


Now if you want to be next...


Lol! You are good

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Glad and surprised you sort of understand my question, wow. So the question is, he's doing great, making lots of money, living large, but he doesn't want to pay taxes to the country that makes that possible. You understand that? We are lucky to live here and should be happy to contribute to the nation that has given us such a great life


So again, how is he getting a free ride? Is he part of the 47% that pays no income tax, or is he part of the top 5% that pays in 20% of all income tax and is tired of paying more so that more people don't have to pay anything?

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So, I mention that you libs show up after a "victory" and you immediately assume I'm talking about you? Did I hit a nerve? All you can do is throw a hissy fit and act like the dissed gay lover who talks about liking to lick clits. That cover doesn't fly. The only issue is that was a guy, and that's not a clit. Maybe if they bleached it you could be really convinced.


If that made any sense at all (which would be a first for you) I'd respond with something scathingly witty (which would go completely over your head) and then laugh at your feeble attempt to respond.


But, since it didn't, I won't.


But either way, you won't be able to comprehend what I said, so I shan't bother.

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Actually no I've been reading the entire conversation. I just find it hilarious that you think you're winning.


If you think you're not a transparent partisan hack then I probably wont change your mind.


Define winning.


Also define Transparent Partisan Hack.


P.S, The person I voted for in the presidential election didn't win.

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You're the one whining about NBC et al "Cheerleading"for Obama while ignoring the fact that FAUX exists for the sole purpose of "Cheer Leading" for whichever conservative candidate is the latest cause celeb.


All I'm saying is you poor downtrodden conservative types would garner more support for your cause if you weren't constantly playing the victim card. Jesus, The constant whining and crying is monotonous! It drowns out everything else you have to say. WAH! WAH! WAH! Is all anyone can hear when you open your mouth.


Just give it a rest! Go to your room, close the door, and cry in private.

1. I never complain about MSNBC. Why? Because they're honest about who they are.


2. This victim thing just shows how much you're missing the point. When the ship sinks we all go down. The fact that you see it through this prism makes me think you view politics like you do sports.


3. I'll cry where ever I please.

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So again, how is he getting a free ride? Is he part of the 47% that pays no income tax, or is he part of the top 5% that pays in 20% of all income tax and is tired of paying more so that more people don't have to pay anything?

Complaining about living in best country in the world, sorry, what the he'll don't you understand?

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Nice Sound-bite, but it has nothing to do with the subject matter the other poster and I were (Admittedly less than cordially) discussing.. But that doesn't matter to you does it? Sound bites and Non-sequitors are your stock in trade aren't they? You want to weigh in on the unseemly amount of crying and whining some conservatives are doing today? Perhaps you'd like to opine on how the polls are skewed to make the election look closer than it really is. Or perhaps you'd like to tell us all about how the "Liberal Media" is cheer leading for the President.



If I must repeat myself and then expand...


I posted this earlier in referencing the very real existence of a left-leaning bias in the main-stream media: "...Most of it stems from the editorial staffs and directors coming from an educational background that lends itself to progressivism. What makes this even more tragic, however, is in reaction to this the few conservative leaning outlets have begun pushing back in a shameful way which also yields no real news. "


and then followed up that point with: "Can we atleast agree that if media outlets aren't doing an unbiased job both in respect to what they choose to cover, and how they perform that coverage, then they aren't "news" but rather are a poisonous form of info-tainment?"


The overarching point is that left-leaning info-tainment created a vacuum in media coverage which needed to be filled. Market-savvy television program directors realized that they had an incredible opportunity to garner a huge market share by telling an unrepresented demographic a sensationalized version of what they already wanted to hear, and in doing so had garnered a massive market-share for life. And regardless of the fact that FOXNews isn't news at all, it's existence does not somehow magically handwave all other outlets into being news either. It doesn't justify the selective coverage by the program directors and editors being cast as "the whole story", and it doesn't justify the slant of the reporting they decide to allow. Furthermore, it refuses to acknowledge that bias being what gave rise to FOXNews in the first place.


This whole set of circumstances comes as a huge detriment to discourse, and a huge disservice to the American people; and to come back full circle, the attitude that the lie is OK as long as it achieves the desirable ideological outcome is exactly the attitude which has crippled your state.

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Glad and surprised you sort of understand my question, wow. So the question is, he's doing great, making lots of money, living large, but he doesn't want to pay taxes to the country that makes that possible. You understand that? We are lucky to live here and should be happy to contribute to the nation that has given us such a great life

I realize Duck here is just trolling, but out of curiosity, does anyone actually think like this? Seriously?

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I realize Duck here is just trolling, but out of curiosity, does anyone actually think like this? Seriously?

since obama has been very overtly making it the center of his reelection id say all the people that voted for him do


and i didnt vote for him but i also happen to agree

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If I must repeat myself and then expand...


I posted this earlier in referencing the very real existence of a left-leaning bias in the main-stream media: "...Most of it stems from the editorial staffs and directors coming from an educational background that lends itself to progressivism. What makes this even more tragic, however, is in reaction to this the few conservative leaning outlets have begun pushing back in a shameful way which also yields no real news. "


and then followed up that point with: "Can we atleast agree that if media outlets aren't doing an unbiased job both in respect to what they choose to cover, and how they perform that coverage, then they aren't "news" but rather are a poisonous form of info-tainment?"


The overarching point is that left-leaning info-tainment created a vacuum in media coverage which needed to be filled. Market-savvy television program directors realized that they had an incredible opportunity to garner a huge market share by telling an unrepresented demographic a sensationalized version of what they already wanted to hear, and in doing so had garnered a massive market-share for life. And regardless of the fact that FOXNews isn't news at all, it's existence does not somehow magically handwave all other outlets into being news either. It doesn't justify the selective coverage by the program directors and editors being cast as "the whole story", and it doesn't justify the slant of the reporting they decide to allow. Furthermore, it refuses to acknowledge that bias being what gave rise to FOXNews in the first place.


This whole set of circumstances comes as a huge detriment to discourse, and a huge disservice to the American people; and to come back full circle, the attitude that the lie is OK as long as it achieves the desirable ideological outcome is exactly the attitude which has crippled your state.


Separate the actual news from the opinion shows. Greta, Meghan, Brett are pretty 50/50. O'Reilly is an ass, but is rarely wrong, but then again he's opinion, not news.

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