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Sullivan: really?

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Listen I can't stand JS for a number of reasons, but I find solace in knowing that he realizes people don't like him or his articles.

And his response... is to steal a page from ESPN's Skip Bayless and become our (WNY's) shock sports writer.

Because of his own ineffectiveness he has resorted to spewing hate at each turn just to summon a response.


About 10 years ago I saw him, a kid around 10ish and some incredibly busty - seemingly sexy woman walking into a Blockbuster and I thought to myself... you go Jerry.

But maybe that busty woman got tired of his **** like the rest of WNY and dumped his C- average English minor ass, and now we all have to be subjected to his life of lament.


Very rarely do big time athletes have the full package: skill on the field, timely decision making abilities and moxie with the press. Mainly they make it to the level they do do to genetics, natural talent and hard work in their respective sport... NOT BECAUSE THEY RE GOOD PUBLIC SPEAKERS! And just because the NFL has specific classes to teach the players how to speak more intelligibly, how to interview properly and what to say and not to say doesn't mean they all end up becoming better at it.


In short, Jerry is is trying to make himself relevant through hate and secondly lay off the big guy for not saying what you wanted him to say.


It's a long season and there's a lot of time to correct mistakes, my only hope is that JS has the ability to try and correct his own.


Being a fan is like marriage - til death due us apart and if you don't think that way your not a fan.


Go Bills!

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Is it really about Jerry? Or, is it more about not hearing or reading what you want to hear or read. Like I said before.... this team hasn't won 40% of it's game in the past 11 years. They suck until they don't suck and for any journalist to write about the Bills as if they are better than that is more than creative embellishment. A writer could put lipstick on a pig all they want... it's still a pig. (Sorry to pick on pigs)


I mean, really... this is 2012..... 1000 channels on TV. Any 20-30 year old grew up with so much tv and/or visual media that it's almost an appendage or necessity. Anyone says they don't watch TV is full of $#it. THey watch something.... whether it's the news, sponge bob, sports center, or this old house, weather channel... everyone watches something.

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I had an email conversation with Jerry a couple of years ago. It was interesting that he basically complimented the Bills' fans that don't like him. He stated that they are so rabid in their love of the Bills that many just cannot accept the truth about the franchise. I, for one, think he is an excellent and entertaining writer. I would imagine if someone that is not a Bills' fan read his editorials that they would see him as I do.

I have supported the Bills' since their inception, have learned to live with this inept franchise and appreciate Jerry's articles.

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I had an email conversation with Jerry a couple of years ago. It was interesting that he basically complimented the Bills' fans that don't like him. He stated that they are so rabid in their love of the Bills that many just cannot accept the truth about the franchise. I, for one, think he is an excellent and entertaining writer. I would imagine if someone that is not a Bills' fan read his editorials that they would see him as I do.

I have supported the Bills' since their inception, have learned to live with this inept franchise and appreciate Jerry's articles.


So Jerry's assumption is that anyone who objects to his columns is unable to accept the "truth" about the team?




Accepting the truth about the Buffalo Bills has never been a problem. Some of us just don't have to be a dick about it.



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his name was in the title of the article: "Jerry Sullivan: Super Mario gets a reality check".....


fact: super mario got DOMINATED by a no name player.....


fact: Rodney Harrison & Damien Woody were alot harsher on mario than jerry was.


fact: mario will respond, he is to good of a player.


Was not in the title I linked to from TBD, and where I was reading, above where I scrolled. So me bad, but I got partway into the article before I sussed out the author.


I like your last fact.


I think your "fact" that others were harsher than Sullivan is more of a judgement. My point is that criticizing Mario's play last Sunday has merit. It deserves criticism, just as Fitz deserves it.

Criticizing him, for not paying attention to every harsh word reported in the news media, or for defending the team with words, seems bizarro-world.


No one cares what the Bills players say right now (except maybe Jerry). Defending the team and the organization would only open Mario to more criticism for not delivering on expectations.


The time to speak is on Sunday, and with actions not words.

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