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Back From Game - A Wakeup Call For Our Fans

Mark VI

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I learned that the Bills are a good team that made significant strides during the 2004 season. Terrible day but rather than fingerpoint, which many here will do, I'll calmly offer my outlook on what the Bills need to improve/ take the next step.


1. Still need some beefing up on the OL. Bills probably need a new OT with Jennings leaving ( I believe he will ). Guard depth is needed. We were exposed today when Chris V. was out. L. Smith and Pussywillow aren't even good backups.


2. Kicker - Lindell just lacks consistency and seems to be a head case. Can't depend on him anymore, not even inside the 40. Whatever is left on his contract, eat it and find a new Kicker. This is a must.


3. Drew was terrible, even with time to throw. Held the ball far too long. Brain dead decisions. Had some rough stretches even during the winning streak. Not buying into him anymore. Still makes glaring mistakes that cost your team games. Will no longer listen to the apologists. If he can't take you deep into the playoffs, then what is the point ?


4. Coaching - Stress the discipline angle to cut down on the penalties. Make them pay in practice. Too much self destruction, costing us valuable field position and first downs.


9-7 is a good year, with a 1st year Head Coach. Today was technically week 1 of the playoffs for us and we could NOT win, at home, against a good team playing many 2nd/3rd stringers. How on Gods green earth were the Bills going to do anything on the Road in the real post-season ? That means winning 3 road games to reach the SB.

That should be a sobering wakeup call to how much we need to improve.


Conclusion :


1. ST's - Needs a Kicker, Strong everywhere else

2. Defense - More Depth due to aging - Good starting 11 for now

3. Offense - OL help needed, more depth, QB change To Losman

4. Coaching - Work on Discipline ( less penalties)


This team is moving in the right direction, heading into 2005. Make some key improvements and you can win 1-2 more games, cementing a playoff position and actually being able to play with the Steelers, Pats and other elite teams.


Certain key players came up small today and it's time to turn the page. The blame game doesn't mean a thing to me. We are a B+ team that can improve with certain key moves, listed above.

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I agree but unfortunately, I don't see Bledsoe & Lindell leaving. I think they're both like sons to Donahoe. I realize people in his position have to be PC, but if you've been reading "Ask him yourself" this season, you can read between the lines - he becomes particularly defensive when those subjects come up - meaning he actually makes counterpoints like a fan would, rather than just dodging the question like a politician.

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3. Drew was terrible, even with time to throw. Held the ball far too long. Brain dead decisions.  Had some rough stretches even during the winning streak. Not buying into him anymore. Still makes glaring mistakes that cost your team games. Will no longer listen to the apologists. If he can't take you deep into the playoffs, then what is the point ?


Mark...all good points, but what I highlighted in bold regarding your thoughts on DB, hits the nail on the head.

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Watch the game on tv again or something because it SUCKED! All you see and hear is cheering Steelers fans with their gay yellow towels!! It was loud in the 1st quarter and then DIED!




What garbage.

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this topic is a perfect example of how important this board and its members are. we have a guy who is posting, less than an hour after the end of the most important game of the season to share his thoughts with us. that means he had to fight 80,000+ fans, fight traffic get home to log on to his computer and post, all in less than an hour. it is like calling a best friend with good news as soon as you hear it. this board is so much more about the buffalo bills wins and losses. it is about a pretty tight knit community wanting to share opinions and experiences with others. sure you have to wade(ewwwww) through a bunch of garbage and nonsense, but in the end it is all good. everyone have a great off season and lets keep the fun alive.

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The real sad thing about this team is that, while we've been quiet as we enjoy watching the Bills beat up on inferior teams, you HAVE to still realize that Drew is a weak link for this offense. His numbers this season are pedestrian at best. He makes some of the most boneheaded throws, and they always seem to come at the worst times. This points to a guy who has the jitters - a guy who's afraid to lose so he holds it too long or throws it to the nearest jersey.


He had absolutely no presence out there. No command.


If I hear this team say that Drew is the starter next year, I hope they're prepared for poor ticket sales. Drew is a great guy who I wish possessed that IT that allows him to win big games.


He lacks IT. And IT doesn't miraculously come back.

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You did not mention the Wr's dropped balls today. What's up with that.


Drew is a dam good QB. Just because the offensive line & Wr's screwed this game up.




I for one am very proud of this bills team for all they have accomplished.



Cant wait until next season.

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Watch the game on tv again or something because it SUCKED! All you see and hear is cheering Steelers fans with their gay yellow towels!! It was loud in the 1st quarter and then DIED!



The network can turn the crowd volume up or down at will (the feed -- not the actual crowd). FOX seems to keep the crowd noise turned up more so than CBS.


Great post Mark.

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You did not mention the Wr's dropped balls today. What's up with that.


Drew is a dam good QB. Just because the offensive line & Wr's screwed this game up.

I for one am very proud of this bills team for all they have accomplished.

Cant wait until next season.


I wouldn't say Drew is a damn good QB. I personally do not blame him for the loss as I do the coaches and some of the bad penalties that put us in situations for the coaches to make questionable play calls. He didn't look sharp today, and has look bad in the past. But if he is given some time and some options with the ball he is effective. He didn't have those options today, at all.

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Mr. Vince is right.....12th man sounded like it was in a sugar coma. Camera panned shots plenty of times on 3rd and long for Pitt and some Bills fans looked like they were drooling on themselves during nap time.


Where are the early 90s crowds? Ah yes, they moved to S. Cali, Atlanta, Charlotte, Blubbersburg, etc. etc.


All I saw were pee-stained towlettes from the smelly opposition fans.

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You did not mention the Wr's dropped balls today. What's up with that.



And the defense that couldn't get off the field in the 4th quarter, with the game on the line, against the second string.


And a line that couldn't block on more than one critical play. You'd think that practicing against a zone blitz every week would have them prepared.


And how about a kicker that blew an easy three points, setting the stage for a huge letdown by the aforementioned defense?

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this topic is a perfect example of how important this board and its members are.  we have a guy who is posting, less than an hour after the end of the most important game of the season to share his thoughts with us.  that means he had to fight 80,000+ fans, fight traffic get home to log on to his computer and post, all in less than an hour.  it is like calling a best friend with good news as soon as you hear it.  this board is so much more about the buffalo bills wins and losses.  it is about a pretty tight knit community wanting to share opinions and experiences with others.  sure you have to wade(ewwwww) through a bunch of garbage and nonsense, but in the end it is all good.  everyone have a great off season and lets keep the fun alive.




well said Pooj. Amen to your words.


Rock ON!!!!


Bills in 2005!!!

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The real sad thing about this team is that, while we've been quiet as we enjoy watching the Bills beat up on inferior teams, you HAVE to still realize that Drew is a weak link for this offense. His numbers this season are pedestrian at best. He makes some of the most boneheaded throws, and they always seem to come at the worst times. This points to a guy who has the jitters - a guy who's afraid to lose so he holds it too long or throws it to the nearest jersey.


He had absolutely no presence out there. No command.


If I hear this team say that Drew is the starter next year, I hope they're prepared for poor ticket sales. Drew is a great guy who I wish possessed that IT that allows him to win big games.


He lacks IT. And IT doesn't miraculously come back.



That's a fair observation.


Don't forget. TD is also the President and is very aware of Marketing/Ticket sales. He does have a pulse on what drives the fans through the gate. Just saying Drew is the starter, no matter what, will sell zero tickets. The fans may already believe Losman is the missing link. Of course it's not ALL Drew but trying to say he's a selling point at this juncture is quite foolish.

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Stop it, you're making me cry. :(


this topic is a perfect example of how important this board and its members are.  we have a guy who is posting, less than an hour after the end of the most important game of the season to share his thoughts with us.  that means he had to fight 80,000+ fans, fight traffic get home to log on to his computer and post, all in less than an hour.  it is like calling a best friend with good news as soon as you hear it.  this board is so much more about the buffalo bills wins and losses.  it is about a pretty tight knit community wanting to share opinions and experiences with others.  sure you have to wade(ewwwww) through a bunch of garbage and nonsense, but in the end it is all good.  everyone have a great off season and lets keep the fun alive.


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Great post, Mark. I really appreciate your taking the time to really offer up ways to improve the team. It's much more refreshing than listening to tool after tool spend ALL their time yelling about Bledsoe. He's a problem, yes. But he's not the only problem. We have other things to address and you pointed them out.

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You did not mention the Wr's dropped balls today. What's up with that.


Drew is a dam good QB. Just because the offensive line & Wr's screwed this game up.

I for one am very proud of this bills team for all they have accomplished.

Cant wait until next season.


So EM dropped a couple of balls on 3 yard routes where he was about to be tackled...and I'm supposed to BILLieve that if he caught those balls, that the outcome would be different? Give me a break. :(

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