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Eric In VA asked yesterday if we were that good

The Poojer

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I go back to one run yesterday that showed the difference between Willis and TH.  An up the gut run that left WM exposed to 2 unblocked Niners at the LOS.  WM gave one little shuffle step and blew past them for 7 yards (I think).  I have a feeling that TH would have lowered his head and picked up 2 or so on the same play.


For whatever reason, WM has an ability that few backs possess and alot of other little intangibles that TH (and many others) seems to lack.



We were hollering at that too- the one where he uses just enough hand on the first guys helmet to slip outside and then do his "uncanny" forward stumble for another 6 yards!


It's always best when Tasker is calling our games- the second game Tasker had with Willis playing this year he said "he's not a real physical runner". That's become the common yell for my room full of fans every time Willis gets a touch now ;-)

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We were hollering at that too- the one where he uses just enough hand on the first guys helmet to slip outside and then do his "uncanny" forward stumble for another 6 yards!


It's always best when Tasker is calling our games- the second game Tasker had with Willis playing this year he said "he's not a real physical runner". That's become the common yell for my room full of fans every time Willis gets a touch now ;-)



Lol, ya gotta love ole' Tasker but boy is it painful from time to time trying to stay with this guy during a broadcast. I've been listening to the radio broadcast and watching w/ TV sound off since @ week 4. AVP is a lot of fun to listen to from the x's and o's angle.

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Lol, ya gotta love ole' Tasker but boy is it painful from time to time trying to stay with this guy during a broadcast. I've been listening to the radio broadcast and watching w/ TV sound off since @ week 4. AVP is a lot of fun to listen to from the x's and o's angle.



I do the same. AVP is a wonderful announcer. There was a sound issue on the TV during one of the games about midseason and I turned on the radio. Haven't turned it off during a game since.


He's great for analysis plus he has some pretty funny one liners too.

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Hey ERIC from VA. As a very die hard CINN. BENGAL fan we were on a hot streak, playing great at home !! Losing only to NEW ENG. and PITT. in close games . Only to see this BUFFALO team come to our house and just man-handle us in every way.. ;) ..On off.,def., and special teams :) Of the teams out there this BILLS team is REALLY 4 REAL!!!!!!!!!Dont over look them..You will see what I mean when they kick PITTSBURGS ASS this weekend...They wont know what hit them :D

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I do the same. AVP is a wonderful announcer. There was a sound issue on the TV during one of the games about midseason and I turned on the radio. Haven't turned it off during a game since.


He's great for analysis plus he has some pretty funny one liners too.



I like especially when he begins to see a play develop and realizes within like a 1/2 second that it's going to be a big play. You can hear that "YEAH!" in the background and you know something good is going to happen. ;)

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Hey ERIC from VA.  As a very die hard CINN. BENGAL fan we were on a hot streak, playing great at home !! Losing only to NEW ENG. and PITT. in close games . Only to see this BUFFALO team come to our house and just man-handle us in every way.. ;) ..On off.,def., and special teams :) Of the teams out there this BILLS team is REALLY 4 REAL!!!!!!!!!Dont over look them..You will see what I mean when they kick PITTSBURGS ASS this weekend...They wont know what hit them :D



I agree with you 100% BBevis- I considered the Bills/Bengals a "Big Game" and you clearly were putting a good product on the home field at the time- both teams had to have the game and Buff played well enough to earn it. The only unfortunate thing is we'll have to do our work against the Steeler with Maddox at the helm, which will become the excuse for others- and even a tiny little percentage of our own fans, to claim it a less than "quality" win.


But for the 99.5% of the rest of us Bill's fans it should be the same thing our win over your team represented- a big win an a big game against a quality opponent.

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I think it just produces an incorrect answer to look for one thing (better blitz pick-up, better running by WM, better play by Bledsoe, facing lousy teams, etc.) that explains all of our turnaround or even is the one key factor.  Like it or not for us simple minds, the turnaround is happening because of a number of factors being improved (some large some fairly small) which have coincided to create what none can deny is outstanding performance which has us winning big week after week.



I wholeheartedly agree. There are many factors that have gone into the present turnaround. McGahee started poorly at blitz pick up, but has learned quickly. The line has played better, though I think it still has room for improvement (run blocking in the middle of the line). The receivers have bought into the system and for the most part are catching the ball better. The development of Evans has been a factor. Drew adopting the new offensive thinking has been a factor, as well as has the coaching of Sam Wyche. Drew really is playing differently from what he was a year ago, and it's not just making quicker decisions, it is his willingness to take off and run when receivers are covered. He's making yardage. The STATUE is making yardage on the ground.

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Everything you've seen this year is very misleading and basically "smoke and mirrors." ;)


I actually subscribe to the theory that simply having better people in the backfield picking up the blitz has made all the difference in our game, in addition to having a running back who can take a nothing play (and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile). Add to that a level of discipline, and you are suddenly a better team when you are more often 2nd and 5 instead of 1st and 15.


Also avoiding undiscipline sacks has let us avoid 2nd and long and 3rd and

long situations....That has to go to the OL/Running game for allowins us to

churn and 3 and 4yards on a 1st down play.

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I agree with alot of what u say there AKC, but I cant see were some of the BILLS fans would say it would not be that big of a win when BIG BEN isnt playing..Because theres are still some guys playing with names of BETTIS, BURRESS, POLAMALU, PORTER, RANDLE EL, WARD..ETC,ETC...I could go on and on. This team isnt 14-1 because of just one rookie QB..The BILLS will still have there hands full..

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Henry started the Ravens game, remember?



I do remember that, but I also remember that WM showed a lot of promise in this game because he actually gained some good yardage playing the majority of the game for us at RB after Henry was benched ostensibly because he was slowed by injury. WM started slow in this game but picked it up as a runner as he payed more. He showed little that game as a receiver and struggled in blitz pick-up as Bledsoe ran for his life and was sacked at least 4 times in that game by a ravenous Balt D.


This was a good start for WM on his trek toward a great season but no one should mistake his play for being much more than that of an extremely talented rookie RB.

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It's an unfortunate truth that Travis on the bench has made the Bills better on the field. Willis is at least a willing, and sometimes very effective, backfield blocker who is always moving to find the unblocked rusher. Travis on the other hand has trouble stopping guys he knows he'll be responsible to block from before the start of the play.


You hate to pick on a guy who ran hard for us through minor nicks and major dings but the simple change in running styles between he and Willis has made all of our OLine talent look better. Travis gets the ball runs into whatever is in front of him, Willis gets ball/reads field/makes decisions. Both ran hard, but only one runs with excellent instincts and dare I say smarts.


None of this though should diminish the fact that Chris Villarial is the real deal in run blocking, a tenacious player who never clocks out before the whistle. I'd go so far as to credit his aquisition as a more important personnel move than the selection of Lee Evans in giving us an offense that shares the credit with our other units in improving to become a good football team today. Of course in the long run Evans will be horse that sells the jerseys- and no doubt rightfully so in the future, but for my money, this season, Villarial has been the big impact guy.



AKC, thank you for this post. I agree with every word, and you were being kind wrt Henry.


CV is a very good RG. The Buffalo Bill have not had one for at least 10 years, and we are seeing just how important this position is.

This signing, imo, ranks up there with those of Paup and Speilman. Admittedly, it is harder to witness the results with an untrained eye, but CV is just an asset to this football team, and I hope that he stays healthy. We TRULY need this guy.

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