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Liberal Media Bias

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to take your point further, why have traffic lights.

liberals like me, think there outta be laws in place to prevent people from running through intersections like morons.

conservatives like you, think there should be no laws because people generally go out of their way to look out for each other.





You're !@#$ing kidding me right???

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You are mistaken. I was not "ranking" which way of delivering the news was better,


merely pointing out the folly of those using commentators ( who are paid to give opinions) as some type of example of right (or left) bias, as opposed to the everday slant put in the nightly broadcasts.



As to your second paragraph, commentators influence has always been way over-rated, most people recognize opinion when they see or read it.

It is those who read the headlines and the front page and (still) watch the evening news, who somehow think that they are getting ALL the news in an unbiased manner, who are fooling themselves.





again, please submit to me someone who is unbiased.



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thanks for proving my point. you should see the number of accidents that occur at the traffic circle near our home here in Buffalo. it's a meee-first society. :thumbsup:




No that's because Americans don't know how to navigate a traffic circle because the government has told them for years when to stop. :rolleyes:

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How about a 30 year old in good health?


Here's a hint and this is just an estimate. I paid about 10K in tax dollars this year related to health care (this is just income tax, let's not forget all the wonderful other taxes I pay) that goes into the health care budget and I'm far from wealthy.

and then wait to see how many hoops you need to jump through in order to get insurance down here, whether you're a sports writer or a cop. oddly enough, the number of fund-raisers i've attended to help sick people cover their medical costs in the 11 years i've lived here is astounding and quite sad.



Edited by john wawrow
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and then wait to see how many hoops you need to jump through in order to get insurance down here, whether you're a sports writer or a cop. oddly enough, the number of fund-raisers i've attended to help sick people cover their medical costs in the 11 years i've lived here is astounding and quite sad.





A cop has to jump through hoops to get health insurance?

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again, please submit to me someone who is unbiased.






Lord, you read, but don't retain.



I said earlier that NO one is unbiased, that is not the point of the thread.


The majority of people in the US, in poll after poll, believe that there is a liberal media bias...............



You don't.........thats fine..............................continue in your ostrich ways.



but if you think you're getting anywhere, with the "well, thats just perspective" schtick


followed by the " well, what do you consider mainstream" diversion


followed by the " well, everyone's biased" gambit.



thats just sad.









I won't even point out your embarrassing "conservatives who don't believe in laws" gibberish





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Lord, you read, but don't retain.



I said earlier that NO one is unbiased, that is not the point of the thread.


The majority of people in the US, in poll after poll, believe that there is a liberal media bias...............



You don't.........thats fine..............................continue in your ostrich ways.



i don't? when did i say that? now, you have a problem with retention?


no one's unbiased. thus all have a bias. you just have certain bias that appear to be blind to other biases.



Edited by john wawrow
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no, actually, if you read further down, the lack of universal health care did them in.


"In 2006, Andono suffered a heart attack. She spent nine days in the hospital, undergoing an angioplasty so a stent could be inserted to help blood flow. The result: a whopping $47,000 bill, the family says."


well, i guess that's just bad luck, eh?



It probably has a lot more to do with the fact that she's at least 100% overweight. I'm sure the liberals will be able to solve that little problem with the magic wand of legislation and just a little more tax payer money.


Extremely obese people have significantly more heart attacks. She was obviously so concerned about her health after the heart attack that she started taking far better care of herself. <_<

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It probably has a lot more to do with the fact that she's at least 100% overweight. I'm sure the liberals will be able to solve that little problem with the magic wand of legislation and just a little more tax payer money.


Extremely obese people have significantly more heart attacks. She was obviously so concerned about her health after the heart attack that she started taking far better care of herself. <_<

don't think christie and rush got the memo :unsure:

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there have been several fundraisers for cops that i've known of -- those who have been hurt on the job -- that it's mind-boggling to believe they aren't covered for some of these debilitating injuries.





Cops work for the government and usually belong to a union and generally speaking, I believe that they have pretty good insurance, at least better than any universal healthcare. Maybe we here at PPP should have a benefit for Meazza, to reimburse him for the $1000 out of pocket when he couldn't get treated for the lump without paying cash.

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and then wait to see how many hoops you need to jump through in order to get insurance down here, whether you're a sports writer or a cop. oddly enough, the number of fund-raisers i've attended to help sick people cover their medical costs in the 11 years i've lived here is astounding and quite sad.



been to em too. oddly enough, the few really wealthy that make it to the events don't seem to pony up enough to even start to cover the costs. but they feel alright because everybody that needs it can get complete care after waiting in line for hours, outside to see volunteer docs and dentists in tents (if you don't believe me, check out RAM clinic in appalachia).

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Cops work for the government and usually belong to a union and generally speaking, I believe that they have pretty good insurance, at least better than any universal healthcare. Maybe we here at PPP should have a benefit for Meazza, to reimburse him for the $1000 out of pocket when he couldn't get treated for the lump without paying cash.


Cash only please :thumbsup:

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They aren't asking anyone to give them free healthcare. Besides I think Rush lost all the weight he needed to. Christie is just plain obese.

do you expect either to decline medicare benefits when eligible or maybe they'll pledge to maintain ideal body weight after going on tax payer sponsored insurance?

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Cops work for the government and usually belong to a union and generally speaking, I believe that they have pretty good insurance, at least better than any universal healthcare.

uhh, not always. hell, forget your regular joe and jane blow cops who have to hold fund-raisers to make ends meet, how about some actual 9-11 fist-responders who couldn't get the benefit of any doubt.

oh, sorry, my bias is showing.




do you expect either to decline medicare benefits when eligible or maybe they'll pledge to maintain ideal body weight after going on tax payer sponsored insurance?

well, rush was on pills at one point wasn't he. does that make him a provider of some sort?



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