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Like the ALL WHITE uniforms


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The shoulder striping didn't look like it was in any less a state of limbo.


Not being parallel with the sleeve hem looks like ****. That was a total Bush-league "We're going to be different!" design move. They tacked back toward traditional unis as 99% of the fans wanted, but just couldn't go the whole way.


Let's hope Nike can clean that up when they take over next year.


Also not a fan of the helmet flare.


Other than those two bits, they'd be damn near perfect.


The sleeve stripes are parallel with the sleeve hem. The problem is that modern uniforms have no sleeves, plus the material is very stretchy. The stripes tend to ride up, giving the look of being slanted.

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I love the new uniforms but personally I much prefer the blue pants with the white jerseys - the all white (or all blue for home) just doesn't look as sharp. That being said, it still looks much better than the USFL jerseys they got rid of.

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I love the new uniforms but personally I much prefer the blue pants with the white jerseys - the all white (or all blue for home) just doesn't look as sharp. That being said, it still looks much better than the USFL jerseys they got rid of.


Please tell me they are not going with the all blue at home still. I was sick of that after about two games.

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I loved the whites. It DEFINITELY looked ten times better on actual players.


I love that we dress the part of a professional NFL Football team. The Donahoe era unis were horrible. Hopefully we'll clean stuff up in the next 3 games, and really start coming together. Merriman is the MAN!!!

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I loved them too - the Red and Blue really popped on TV against the white...


A few features that I'm not completely in love with (but will live with:


- The stripe getting bigger as it goes toward the back of the helmet; the only stripe was old-school and balanced


- The extra logo on the back of the unis and on the hips; I love the charging Buffalo as much as anyone, but do we really need 400 logos in every shot (maybe this is the agency guy in me - clients always want bigger / more logos)



Overall though, they're really sharp and about 4,000 times better than the last unis!!

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