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Brit Hume's Commentary: Role of Government?

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Oh ho ho!! Via Fox news and brought to you by Exxon corporation, no less! Brit vomits out worthless Conservative platitudes and it gets posted here. Set the bailed out banks free! How will we ever bail them out again if we don't allow them to overlend??? Why didn't he mention how Obama wants to cut payrole taxes for a time but Conservatives hate the idea because it might work! Fair and balanced, yes sir! :thumbsup:



What type of tool would post that crap?

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Oh ho ho!! Via Fox news and brought to you by Exxon corporation, no less!

Could you of set this up on a better tee?


The facts of the 2008 election show that he was the favorite of Exxon, Chevron, and BP. Exxon donated $117,946 to Obama and $73,326 to McCain. Chevron pumped $77,875 into Obama's warchest and $61,313 to McCain. BP gave $71,051 to Obama but just $36,649 to McCain.


Still in the donor wars, oil and energy interests donated more than twice as much to McCain as Obama, $2.4 million versus $902,000. [see a slide show of the 10 cities with the lowest gas prices.]


During the campaign, the danger of American dependence on foreign oil was a major plank in Obama's platform on the 2008 campaign trail. Yet PACs and employees of some of the largest oil and gas companies still gave significant support to Obama as a presidential candidate. Below are the largest oil and gas contributors during the 2008 election cycle to Obama.


and for good measure, just so we keep the facts straight.



Goldman Sachs contributions to the Obama campaign were more than four times larger than the $230,095 in donations to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign.


"Barack Obama's presidential campaign shattered all records when it came to fundraising, so it's no surprise that he significantly outraised John McCain when it came to contributions from the financial industry in general and Goldman Sachs in particular," CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser said.


Steinhauser added: "And even though some of the policies he was pushing during his bid for the White House were not so popular with Wall Street executives, it seemed investors wanted to back a winner."


According to figures dating to 1990, Goldman Sachs' PAC and employees have consistently contributed more money to Democratic rather than Republican candidates for federal office.


In the 2008 election, three out of every four dollars contributed by Goldman Sachs went to Democrats.


Now who is in who´s pocket?

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Could you of set this up on a better tee?




and for good measure, just so we keep the facts straight.





Now who is in who´s pocket?

yes both sides are owned by the corporations that must put a smile on you face

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Oh ho ho!! Via Fox news and brought to you by Exxon corporation, no less! Brit vomits out worthless Conservative platitudes and it gets posted here. Set the bailed out banks free! How will we ever bail them out again if we don't allow them to overlend??? Why didn't he mention how Obama wants to cut payrole taxes for a time but Conservatives hate the idea because it might work! Fair and balanced, yes sir! :thumbsup:



What type of tool would post that crap?



So critisism from the left, from the likes of Bill Maher and John Stewart are ok, but from conservatives its not. Right. Got it.

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So critisism from the left, from the likes of Bill Maher and John Stewart are ok, but from conservatives its not. Right. Got it.

you are comparing Brit to two comedians, not bad but the difference is Brit is unintentionally funny.

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I dont think he could have called this administration a total bunch of idiots any clearer.






So critisism from the left, from the likes of Bill Maher and John Stewart are ok, but from conservatives its not. Right. Got it.



you are comparing Brit to two comedians, not bad but the difference is Brit is unintentionally funny.



No I'm not comparing Britt to those two loons. WTF did you get that? :unsure:


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Also, why wont you answer this question below?

As if you didnt know...


predictable classless bob doesnt answer questions, he just posts meaningless conspiracist youtube links, duhhh

Edited by Magox
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I guess the meaning of what they've said escapes you. :rolleyes:





Also, why wont you answer this question below? :w00t:


What's your expertise in the real estate and mortgage industries?

1. I don't think you understand what comparing means.


2. Like all PPP participants I know everything and I'm an expert in all fields.

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As if you didnt know...


predictable classless bob doesnt answer questions, he just posts meaningless conspiracist youtube links, duhhh

Understand bob's posts is a whole helluva lot easier when you realize he and conner are one and the same.


Once that dawned on me, everything else he posted made sense, sort of.

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Understand bob's posts is a whole helluva lot easier when you realize he and conner are one and the same.


Once that dawned on me, everything else he posted made sense, sort of.

Careful I might have to start comparing you to 3rdrate or RKass

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