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did Jose Bautista discover fountain of youth?


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Or do you suspect he is on roids or some other performance enhancing drug? I have never seen a player turn it on so dramatically clean. He has Brady Anderson, Bobby Bonds like turnaround into powerhouse slugger. At any rate one could argue he is best player in baseball- or at least on par with Pujols. Bautista has a rocket arm and has hit over 60 HR over the past 162 games. Hats off to him if he did it clean and with hard work. What a player! One interesting thing I noticed looking at his stats is that he played for 4 different teams in 2004 Dave Kingman style. What is up with that?

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The "light came on". He did what all the JP, Trent and other failed Bills pick lovers hoped would happen to their favorite bust. Who knows, maybe this is JP or Trent's year. We should sign them both-one might hit 54 home runs.


Legal or illegal, the guy is doing something different than what he did his 1st 28 years.

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The "light came on". He did what all the JP, Trent and other failed Bills pick lovers hoped would happen to their favorite bust. Who knows, maybe this is JP or Trent's year. We should sign them both-one might hit 54 home runs.


Legal or illegal, the guy is doing something different than what he did his 1st 28 years.


The story is that he dramatically changed his swing mechanics by working with some of the best hitting coaches during the offseason a couple of years ago. He also is a fitness fanatic. Not to say he's on the juice but doesn't baseball test for it a lot better now? The last thing the league needs is its newest superstar being caught red-handed with roids.


Or do you think the league knows and is looking the other way?

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As a Toronto Blue Jays fan and as someone who has watched him over the last few years, his success came after Dwayne Murphy their hitting coach made adjustments to his swing. Short term success was hitting home runs like last year but wasn't hitting for average just power. Long term success has brought Bautista confidence and patience at the plate. The way he lays off pitches in a 0-2 count is something just amazing. What he is doing now did not happen overnight but was rather a long progression over the last few years.


Bautista was tested for roids multiple times last year. Same testing will happen this year. Let's just face it, he is that good - best hitter in baseball. No conspiracy theory here.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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