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If you know the address of the page that had the kids naked...... REPORT it to your local office of the FBI please.



dude... first of all, no way Im going back there. Second, it didnt appear to be a page from the US.


too frigging weird... disturbing.

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Doesn't matter if it was US or not. Somewhere, there are young kids being taken advantage of. Our FBI works very hard to work with foreign countries to stop this unnatural behavior. Pick up a phone report it.....unless you have something to hide.....

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Pick up a phone report it.....unless you have something to hide.....



Ok, I've taken every insult possible on this board, but that crossed the line. If you're so concerned, go look at the picture yourself (google images ".380") , and you report the URL... don't EVER imply that I would have something to hide that is as VILE as that EVER again.

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In addition to that, if you ask someone how they are going to protect their kids from a gun, they will tell you that it is always kept locked up. (which it should be with kids in the house). But, if its locked up, and you need it at a seconds notice, it's kind of not worth the risk, no?


I mean, its a catch-22 for gun activists.



I really don't think of any of my guns as "protection." Sure, I have them if it comes down to that. I really think of my guns as "sports equipment", if that makes sense. I've got a concealed carry permit, but it's mostly to make purchases easier and to protect me from obscure laws. I've never carried a gun for protection's sake.


I really own 'em because I love blasting away clay pigeons, hitting a white tail at 200 yards, or punching holes in paper at 30.


Note that I have no problem with those that do carry for protection and I might at some point myself. I just don't look at it from that point of view, I look at it more as a skilled sport.



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I really don't think of any of my guns as "protection."  Sure, I have them if it comes down to that.  I really think of my guns as "sports equipment", if that makes sense.  I've got a concealed carry permit, but it's mostly to make purchases easier and to protect me from obscure laws.  I've never carried a gun for protection's sake.


I really own 'em because I love blasting away clay pigeons, hitting a white tail at 200 yards, or punching holes in paper at 30.


Note that I have no problem with those that do carry for protection and I might at some point myself.  I just don't look at it from that point of view, I look at it more as a skilled sport.




Well there goes the stereotype that all gun owners are paranoid lunatics. :o

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I went back to the site. It appears to be Czeck. Seems to be the chronology of a camping trip, the shot mentioned was referenced as a "winter Sauna". Looks like it was part of some hazing ritual, emphasis being on being naked in the cold for a little while. Shows no genitals, doesn't appear sexual and the kids are all laughing and looking froze.

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I went back to the site. It appears to be Czeck. Seems to be the chronology of a camping trip, the shot mentioned was referenced as a "winter Sauna". Looks like it was part of some hazing ritual, emphasis being on being naked in the cold for a little while. Shows no genitals, doesn't appear sexual and the kids are all laughing and looking froze.



Thanks bib... but man, sexual or no, some eyebrows would be raised if a scene like that went down in the good ol USA...

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I went back to the site. It appears to be Czeck. Seems to be the chronology of a camping trip, the shot mentioned was referenced as a "winter Sauna". Looks like it was part of some hazing ritual, emphasis being on being naked in the cold for a little while. Shows no genitals, doesn't appear sexual and the kids are all laughing and looking froze.


A little bit like E&E?

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I'm glad I founf the link with the photo of the AMT. I've been looking for another Ruger .44 mag semi-auto carbine (10/44). There's a few in decent shape there. Maybe I'll get myself a Christmas present.


Nothing better than a carbine under the tree. Well, except maybe an M60. :o

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Man, way to put 2 and 2 together.  That brought back some fond memories.



Now Darin, you say you carry your Pistol with you? Is that common in Alaska? (I'm not being a smart ass, Im really wondering). Also, do you need different licenses to own a rifle vs a pistol vs a concealed pistol?

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Well there goes the stereotype that all gun owners are paranoid lunatics.  :o



That stereotype really gets on my nerves.


Most gun owners aren't paranoid right-wing extremists planning for the next invasion. Most are local store owners, businessmen, mechanics... *sportsmen* - good old fashioned down to earth american working class.


Most of us buy 'em because we're looking forward to hunting season. Sure, it's there if I need it, but I've also got a home security system and a great big fluffy dog. I'm much more concerned about getting my family OUT of the house should there be a situation than I am with confronting someone. Take my sh--. I don't care. It's just stuff. My time is better spent avoiding confrontation than it is planning for it.


Steve, I like ya buddy but you're driving me crazy with all of this anti-gun spew. You're from WNY, right? You've got to have someone in your extended family that looks forward to deer season. Look. Leaving a loaded gun around a child is just about as responsible as leaving your kid in the driver's seat with the car on and in gear. It's not the car to blame, it's the idiot parent. This is a classic "guns kill people" versus "people kill people" argument.


Stop concentrating on extreme and look at the whole.



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Now Darin, you say you carry your Pistol with you? Is that common in Alaska? (I'm not being a smart ass, Im really wondering). Also, do you need different licenses to own a rifle vs a pistol vs a concealed pistol?



In GA you need no license to purchase either a rifle or a pistol. You don't need a license to carry a pistol if it's visible. You only need a license if it's concealed.



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I fortunately don't have that problem. I live alone. I actually use a loaded .380 as a paperweight on my desk.


This, to me, could be a good fit for the "smart gun" technology, where the gun is electronically "fitted" to it's owner. No one else is able to fire it. That way, one could have a loaded 9 on the shelf, without fear of the kids blowing each other away.



To me... Such technology sounds awesome and I would be an ardent supporter of stuff like that.


Also... By stating this... You just invited AD into a "pissing contest"... :o

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A firearm + training + the willingness to use it WOULD have helped in this story. There would be two dead criminals, and a child without abdomenal stab wounds.




without stab wounds and SEVERE EMOTIONAL TRAUMA FOR LIFE! both mom and child. Somehow these kooks think the mom and child are lucky. Lucky to be alive? yes. Lucky that they got stabbed and punched? apparently yes, to some here.


Wacky, I tells ya, WACKY!!!!


put any one of these guys Mothers and sisters in this situation and watch them change their tune. It'll be the Rosie O'Donnell logic.....if they are protecting me, they are ok.

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You can say that but, nothing is set in stone.  There are so many variables to this story... Would she have pulled a loaded gun out from under her hat?  Or do you think a handgun would have been kept out of site, unloaded, knowing a 3 year old child was around?...


We just don't know what would have happened?... IMHO, in more instances, the plan of defending yourself with that firearm would have taken numerous twists.


Just be thankful that both are alive and recovering... If they want to take a different route next time, let them.


Just because something works once doesn't mean you can keep doing it. There have been people who have gone down Niagra Falls, no barrel or anything, and have survived. That doesn't mean it's a safe strategy. Neither is it safe for a woman to put herself into the power of a violent and dangerous criminal.

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