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You think PETA's disgusting, check out the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine. They're actually a couple of PETA-funded "doctors" who make up medical research. The point is, of course, to prove that any and all foods, products, and activities that have anything to do with animals are unhealthy. The truly sad thing is...not many people know they're just a front for PETA, and treat them as a real medical organization. They're interviewed as experts on health matters on shows like "Today" or "Good Morning America" all the time.




And in this month's PETA magazine, there's a really nice story extolling the virtures of the Animal Liberation Front - which, by the way, is considered a terrorist organization for numerous acts of arson, bombings, and murder. :blink:

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BTW, I see an amazing resemblance between DC Tom's avatar and Star Jones Reynolds in a fur wrap.


Just sayin'  B)



Except that Star Jones Reynolds in fur just somehow lacks the charm and charisma of a tall faceless actor draped in dog pelts...

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Sweet.  I love it when they cartwheel like that.



If they cartwheel, then you are not using a big enough weapon. All that should be left is a small pile of fur and a few bits of bunny.

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Shows you the status of PETA...they moved out of their building in Norfolk and moved world HQ to a large 6 bedroom house in Norfolk



Norfolk?!? You'd think PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) would put their HQ closer to NYC and not in a conservative Navy town.


Reminds me of a line from a movie called "Switch", years ago:


PETA-style activist (to Lorraine Bracco's fur-clad character): "Do you know how many poor animals had to die for your coat?"


Bracco (as she's climbing into a limo): "Do you know how many rich ones I had to f--- to get it?"





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I prefer smoking craters.



Mini mushroom clouds are always fun. You just have to make sure that it is on the neighbors property, and not yours. It takes a while for the grass to grow back.

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