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(OT) What's wrong with this parent?


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I know it's only a cartoon, but doesn't she know children should be able to download any copyrighted material they want and do with it what they want.? 






Isn't obvious? She didn't help her daughter download the material. Horrible parenting there...

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If you view the role of our education system to be to teach the neccesary skill set to get you to function in todays society, looks like she's doing fine. The kid knows how to Google :blink: , right? That's about 2/3rds of the battle

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I know it's only a cartoon, but doesn't she know children should be able to download any copyrighted material they want and do with it what they want.? 





Sure, slings and arrows (is that the right phrase?) from someone who let's his little devil doggie shoot up heroin? You should be ashamed!

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"So you think it's a good idea to download the essay from essays-r-us.com because all your friends told you to? You'll never get ahead that way! After all, if your friends are suggesting that site it's probably the site that they use and you don't want to turn in the same essay as someone else in your class, do you? Let mommy help you find another homework site that will have different essays. "

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Sure, slings and arrows (is that the right phrase?) from someone who let's his little devil doggie shoot up heroin?  You should be ashamed!


The dog isn't shooting up...it's fetching poorman's syringe. Good doggy!

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In my day, we didn't have this fancy dancy internet thing for buying essays. No sir. We only had the ads in the back of the latest issue of Rolling Stone. And we had to send for a catalog. Then wait for it to arrive. Then choose what we wanted and order it. Then wait for that to arrive. If you didn't plan ahead, your essay could still be in the mail when it was due!

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In my day, you went to the library, did your research and did your own work. Of course I maybe strange that way. We also didn't have copier to plagiarize copyrighted material.


Ah, the good ole days when we...


* actually had to fill up both sides of the kitchen sink and actually had to put our hands in the water.


* had to actually get up, walk over to the TV to change the chanel (couldn't decide which of the 3 chanels to watch,


* actually had to walk to school


* wore canvas sneakers, not cuz they were cool, but cuz that's all there wuz.


* a monopoly game could last a week


* you only had to dial 5 numbers on the phone to make a call and an operator dialed your long distance calls for you... now that's service.


* you actually shoveled the snow.


* a McDonald's Burger Fries and a coke cost 45 cents and there was no tax.


* a gallon of gas was 25 cents and the attendant pumped your gas, washed your windshield, and checked your oil.


* You could trust your car to the man who wears the star.


* a ticket to a Bills game cost 5 bucks and you could bring a six pack of beer and picnic lunch in without being hasseled. (of course when you had to take a piss you'dhave to piss under your seat because the rock, i think only had two restrooms.


* bottled milk and the morning paper would be delivered right to your front porch.


* you ran an interest free tab at the corner store.


anyone else miss those days?

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Ah, the good ole days when we...


* actually had to fill up both sides of the kitchen sink and actually had to put our hands in the water.


* had to actually get up, walk over to the TV to change the chanel (couldn't decide which of the 3 chanels to watch,


* actually had to walk to school


* wore canvas sneakers, not cuz they were cool, but cuz that's all there wuz.


* a monopoly game could last a week


* you only had to dial 5 numbers on the phone to make a call and an operator dialed your long distance calls for you... now that's service.


* you actually shoveled the snow.


* a McDonald's Burger Fries and a coke cost 45 cents and there was no tax.


* a gallon of gas was 25 cents and the attendant pumped your gas, washed your windshield, and checked your oil.


* You could trust your car to the man who wears the star.


* a ticket to a Bills game cost 5 bucks and you could bring a six pack of beer and picnic lunch in without being hasseled.  (of course when you had to take a piss you'dhave to piss under your seat because the rock, i think only had two restrooms.


* bottled milk and the morning paper would be delivered right to your front porch.


* you ran an interest free tab at the corner store.


anyone else miss those days?



Buffalo Evening News was in the afternoon, not morning. Courier Express was the morning paper and noone read it.

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Buffalo Evening News was in the afternoon, not morning. Courier Express was the morning paper and noone read it.


Ah yes...but I grew up near Lake George. When I lived in Geneve in the 70's I grabbed the CE in the morning though... I liked it.

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Buffalo Evening News was in the afternoon, not morning.  Courier Express was the morning paper and noone read it.


Hence the name.



To add to the list...


Candy stores in the neighborhood where you could get anything for .10


Mom cooked dinner every night of the week


Your parents didn't care if you left the house at 8am and didn't return until after dark.


Risk games could last two weeks.

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