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Getting really tired of this Pats* cheater stuff.

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ESPN timeline of events of "Spygate"


"Mortensen also reports that Belichick has privately told Goodell he has been taping opponents' signals since he became the Pats' head coach in 2000."


then later (5 or so months after the original meeting between Belichick & Goodell) ...


"Asked twice how far back the Patriots began to tape their opponents' signals, Goodell doesn't give a specific answer. There is no mention from Goodell that the practice dated back to 2000."


Would have been a great time to say "Nope, this was an isolated incident based on a misunderstanding or misapplication of the rule" ... but there is no statement to that regard.

Or even better, "everyone does it, nothing to see here, move along." But they got docked a 1st round pick and fined a total of $750K. Interesting.

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Good way to end this Jim, go follow the freaking Patriots and revel in their cleverness and questionable morality. You'll be happier and we won't suffer dumb ass threads like this. What don't you get? They broke the rules, knowingly. Just because you think the rule is stupid is moot. They cheated. Deal with it. Now go ahead and enjoy your new team.

Suffer dumb ass threads like this? Vs being reduced to comparing notes on who we should take with our #1 overall draft choice next year at game two of the season?

The point you are missing is that the Patriots intend to win TODAY. Not next year, not after a five year rebuilding plan.

I really didn't start this to idolize NE. It is my frustration that the the Bills just don't seem to care if they win or lose.

Put some itchy powder in the opposing teams toilet paper. Bug the locker room. I don't care what they do, just show SOME ambition to win.

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The only thing the Pats were guilty of as a result of video incident was that they hired a HC (Belichick) who is smarter than the legal team who penned the wording of the NFL operations manual that covers the issue of videotaping.


In his statement after the ruckus, Belichick stated that his interpretation of the videotaping rule is that videotape footage could be collected, in the manner the Pats did so, provided said taping doesn't advantage the team doing the collecting "DURING" the playing of the game, something the Pats weren't doing. At the time Belichick issued his statement explaining his interpretation, the league's constitution and by-laws on this matter was printed in the media and clearly showed that Belichick's interpretation was correct and that rules/by-laws were poorly written and clearly open to mis-interpretation.


Not that it matters really since the taping of opponents signals, and lord knows what else, has been taking place since video technology was invented and coaching staff's figured out how to use it.


In retrospect, Belichick should have gotten a better zoom lens and did the taping from across the sidelines or up in the stands with all the other teams advanced scouting crews with recorders in hand. :rolleyes:

Edited by Pneumonic
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The only thing the Pats were guilty of as a result of video incident was that they hired a HC (Belichick) who is smarter than the legal team who penned the wording of the NFL operations manual that covers the issue of videotaping.




A first round draft pick and $750,000 seems like a stiff penalty for hiring a smart guy . . .

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A first round draft pick and $750,000 seems like a stiff penalty for hiring a smart guy . . .

What do you expect when the guy dishing out the penalty is an ex Jets employee :rolleyes:


I'm sure Kraft isn't losing sleep over the penalty though.

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The only thing the Pats were guilty of as a result of video incident was that they hired a HC (Belichick) who is smarter than the legal team who penned the wording of the NFL operations manual that covers the issue of videotaping.


In his statement after the ruckus, Belichick stated that his interpretation of the videotaping rule is that videotape footage could be collected, in the manner the Pats did so, provided said taping doesn't advantage the team doing the collecting "DURING" the playing of the game, something the Pats weren't doing. At the time Belichick issued his statement explaining his interpretation, the league's constitution and by-laws on this matter was printed in the media and clearly showed that Belichick's interpretation was correct and that rules/by-laws were poorly written and clearly open to mis-interpretation.


Not that it matters really since the taping of opponents signals, and lord knows what else, has been taking place since video technology was invented and coaching staff's figured out how to use it.


In retrospect, Belichick should have gotten a better zoom lens and did the taping from across the sidelines or up in the stands with all the other teams advanced scouting crews with recorders in hand. :rolleyes:

Thank you.

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Interesting that the Patsies didn't appeal the ruling (not that I've heard anyway). If they were correct in their interpretation then no penalty should have been issued.


The only thing the Pats were guilty of as a result of video incident was that they hired a HC (Belichick) who is smarter than the legal team who penned the wording of the NFL operations manual that covers the issue of videotaping.


In his statement after the ruckus, Belichick stated that his interpretation of the videotaping rule is that videotape footage could be collected, in the manner the Pats did so, provided said taping doesn't advantage the team doing the collecting "DURING" the playing of the game, something the Pats weren't doing. At the time Belichick issued his statement explaining his interpretation, the league's constitution and by-laws on this matter was printed in the media and clearly showed that Belichick's interpretation was correct and that rules/by-laws were poorly written and clearly open to mis-interpretation.


Not that it matters really since the taping of opponents signals, and lord knows what else, has been taking place since video technology was invented and coaching staff's figured out how to use it.


In retrospect, Belichick should have gotten a better zoom lens and did the taping from across the sidelines or up in the stands with all the other teams advanced scouting crews with recorders in hand. :rolleyes:

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What do you expect when the guy dishing out the penalty is an ex Jets employee :rolleyes:


I'm sure Kraft isn't losing sleep over the penalty though.

Yep, that year he spent with the Jets some 20 years ago was the reason he imposed that maximum, but admittedly weak, "penalty." <_<

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Suffer dumb ass threads like this? Vs being reduced to comparing notes on who we should take with our #1 overall draft choice next year at game two of the season?

The point you are missing is that the Patriots intend to win TODAY. Not next year, not after a five year rebuilding plan.

I really didn't start this to idolize NE. It is my frustration that the the Bills just don't seem to care if they win or lose.

Put some itchy powder in the opposing teams toilet paper. Bug the locker room. I don't care what they do, just show SOME ambition to win.


The didn't take short cuts to get this bad and there are no shortcuts to getting better. Draft well, build with a plan and turn this around. They have ten years of horrible drafting and management. They are starting from ground zero and brother, it's not going to be a quick turnaround. At least they are moving in the right direction.

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yeah you are right. however, I have met a few Pats* fan that refuse to follow the team because of this blatant violation of the rules. What Kraft will have to worry about is that when the team sucks next, fans like these won't be in the stadium. And you know the bandwagon fans won't be there eiher

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Those making the argument that "it wasn't a big deal" ought to watch the HBO Sports special on Matt Walsh, in which an unnamed "offensive star on the early 2000's Pats*' teams" is quoted as saying "of course it was a big deal. We knew what was coming 70 to 80 percent of the time and it helped us immensely." Personally, I suspect that the player was Antowain Smith, but could be wrong.....

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The didn't take short cuts to get this bad and there are no shortcuts to getting better. Draft well, build with a plan and turn this around. They have ten years of horrible drafting and management. They are starting from ground zero and brother, it's not going to be a quick turnaround. At least they are moving in the right direction.

Well it makes me feel good the Bills didn't take short cuts to get this bad. They did it by the rules, by golly.

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Those making the argument that "it wasn't a big deal" ought to watch the HBO Sports special on Matt Walsh, in which an unnamed "offensive star on the early 2000's Pats*' teams" is quoted as saying "of course it was a big deal. We knew what was coming 70 to 80 percent of the time and it helped us immensely." Personally, I suspect that the player was Antowain Smith, but could be wrong.....

Sure, it was such an advantage that, without the taping benefit, the Pats went undefeated in the regular season the year after they stopped :rolleyes:

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Well it makes me feel good the Bills didn't take short cuts to get this bad. They did it by the rules, by golly.


It doesn't matter a rat's ass how you feel about it - it just is. And for the record I prefer if they build this team and win on the merits and not cheat like your hero.

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Again, the only whining I've seen here has come from you. I don't spend much time thinking about the Pats*, it certainly wouldn't have been part of my day today but for you.

Well said....I do my best NOT to think about them except when we play them. Facts are, they've been cheating for years...definitely something fishy with the "Just Give It To Them" game and Spygate is well-documented. While there's no denying they're a strong team, but the cheating makes everything they do suspect as long as the people involved are still with the team

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How is it possible anyone could think that in 20 years time "Spygate" (not to mention the numerous instances of HGH usage and the allegations of former players being threatened and intimidated into steroid use by the coashing staff) will completely be forgotten? Pete Rose hasn't "cheated" on baseball in approximately 20 years and the debate on whether or not he be allowed entrance to the Hall of Fame is raging as strong as ever. When one thinks of "Shoeless" Joe Jackson the 1918 Black Sox Scandal immediately comes to mind--- and that's 92 years ago.


These are all different circumstances, no argument there; but the fact remains once a controversy becomes associated with a player/team/et al the two become inextricably linked.


The 1918 Chicago White Sox may have been the greatest baseball team in the history of the sport, and their record prior to the '18 Series should be held high as a testament to this fact. But they are forever tainted, even "Shoeless" Joe, who by all accounts was not on "the take".


What kind of Bills fan would want their team and city to willingly be tainted in that way? How desperate to be linked with a championship can you be if you're willing to also be linked to a stain on the integrity of the sport? Ridiculous. If anything, the stink from this area of Patriots football will grow more pungent in the years to come, not less so.

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