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You wanna know who scares the hell out of me?

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This woman gets front page attention every time she sneezes.


Here is a partial list of things that she stands for/is associated with:


1. Denying gay couples the same status as traditonal couples - just as bad as segregated schools in the last century imo.

2. Promoting more Christian values - religion always leads to ignorance...see Iran, Iraq, etc

3. Does not understand on even a basic level current or future events - see youtube interviews

4. Gains a following by having vauge talking points and participating in semi-racist rallies

5. Was willing to become VP when she openly admitted she wasn't really sure what the VP does


I'm not saying that Obama is the best guy in the world (although I admit I strongly support him), but why does she have such a strong following?


I know that I've interjected a strong amount of my personal opinion in this post...but seriously...can someone who is more knowledgable on politics tell a baffled college kid why she is so powerful?

Edited by Byrd Bath
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I think Sarah Palin is a moron, but I have a couple questions for you.


1) Who was the last successful politician who gained a following by means other than "having vague talking points"?

(btw...I'm making less than $250,000 so I presume my Obama-promised tax cut will show up any minute)


2) Why would you be scared of someone who holds no elected office (and in fact, appears to be unemployed), and has very limited prospects for ever being elected to any office again?



What scares the hell out of me is the ability of those in power to stay that way and continue inflicting damage to our country by convincing people there is some scary bogeyman out there waiting to get them.

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I think Sarah Palin is a moron, but I have a couple questions for you.


1) Who was the last successful politician who gained a following by means other than "having vague talking points"?

(btw...I'm making less than $250,000 so I presume my Obama-promised tax cut will show up any minute)


2) Why would you be scared of someone who holds no elected office (and in fact, appears to be unemployed), and has very limited prospects for ever being elected to any office again?



What scares the hell out of me is the ability of those in power to stay that way and continue inflicting damage to our country by convincing people there is some scary bogeyman out there waiting to get them.



1. Well, I admit that I'm a little ignorant...but didn't Obama have actual ideas about improving the country during the election? Didn't he have ideas such as healthcare reform, handling the wars etc? It seems like McCain/Palin just kept on saying things like "America!", and "We're Mavericks!", just trying to get an emotional foothold on the less-informed?


2. I'm scared of her becuse she seems to have enourmous influence on people, such as all the tea partiers and the people that they seem to have gotten elected.


I know, I mean we elected an empty-suit community organizer President because he was crafty with a teleprompter! We're all screwed....



What do you mean with "crafty with a teleprompter"?


btw, Lou Reed is awesome - Blue Mask is simply a classic.

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What do you mean with "crafty with a teleprompter"?


btw, Lou Reed is awesome - Blue Mask is simply a classic.


I mean, the man on the campaign trail presented himself as the great communicator. Take him away from the teleprompter, he seems barely able to elucidate a thought verbally. Not to mention, his views are almost totally erroneous, especially with the health INSURANCE "reform" he rammed through the Congress.

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1. Denying gay couples the same status as traditonal couples - just as bad as segregated schools in the last century imo.


Point of note: as governor of Alaska, she vetoed the a bill passed in the state legislature defining marriage as between one man and one woman, on the grounds that it violated equal protection.


People tend to be more complex than we believe.



5. Was willing to become VP when she openly admitted she wasn't really sure what the VP does


Hell, I doubt Biden's all that sure either. :w00t:



I know that I've interjected a strong amount of my personal opinion in this post...but seriously...can someone who is more knowledgable on politics tell a baffled college kid why she is so powerful?


Honestly? Best I can figure is that her homespun "you betcha" affectations play VERY strongly to a mass of people that aren't represented by a leadership (in either party, but particularly Democrat at the moment) they perceive as intellectual elitists detached from the general population.


Take gay marriage as a microcosm of that issue: on one side you have a group making the intellectual, legal, and political arguments about equal protection and civil rights protections as related to gender roles. On the other, you have a down-home, homespun "We know what's right" argument. Forget for a moment that you're a college student (which you'll realize, a few years after you graduate, is intellectually about as artificially homogenous a social environment as exists), and think about the nature of people in general: on what level to most people respond to messages? Intellectually, or viscerally? Which one do you think is going to resonate better with people?


And while you're thinking on that...think on Al Sharpton's messages, too.

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Point of note: as governor of Alaska, she vetoed the a bill passed in the state legislature defining marriage as between one man and one woman, on the grounds that it violated equal protection.


People tend to be more complex than we believe.





Hell, I doubt Biden's all that sure either. :w00t:





Honestly? Best I can figure is that her homespun "you betcha" affectations play VERY strongly to a mass of people that aren't represented by a leadership (in either party, but particularly Democrat at the moment) they perceive as intellectual elitists detached from the general population.


Take gay marriage as a microcosm of that issue: on one side you have a group making the intellectual, legal, and political arguments about equal protection and civil rights protections as related to gender roles. On the other, you have a down-home, homespun "We know what's right" argument. Forget for a moment that you're a college student (which you'll realize, a few years after you graduate, is intellectually about as artificially homogenous a social environment as exists), and think about the nature of people in general: on what level to most people respond to messages? Intellectually, or viscerally? Which one do you think is going to resonate better with people?


And while you're thinking on that...think on Al Sharpton's messages, too.



Great reply, and exactly what I was looking for in this thread.


I wasn't aware of the Bill you mention, but I could have sworn that she has said in interviews that she is against gay marriage. Still though, very interesting that she vetoed that bill.


I know that the "you betcha" attitude will help her win votes...but isn't that a little immoral to "play dumb" to get votes? I'm also sure that the dems play mind games like that as well - but it just doesn't seem so insulting.


Also, at my campus (North Carolina State University), I can't believe how many Jesus freaks speak in the main quad area all the time. Really pisses me off.

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Because all these impressionable minds are soaking in all this (to my mind) ignorant blather.


It seems that whenever people start basing their life and decisions on organized religion they become just another tool for someone (like Palin or Glen Beck) to use for their own power.

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Great reply, and exactly what I was looking for in this thread.


I wasn't aware of the Bill you mention, but I could have sworn that she has said in interviews that she is against gay marriage. Still though, very interesting that she vetoed that bill.


She has...and as governor, she believe that her oath of office to support the law superceded her personal beliefs. Like I said...people can be complex. Even King Bush II was more than the simpleton he seemed.


I know that the "you betcha" attitude will help her win votes...but isn't that a little immoral to "play dumb" to get votes? I'm also sure that the dems play mind games like that as well - but it just doesn't seem so insulting.


Ever seen a beer commercial? Hell, again...ever listen to Al Sharpton? (Google "Tawana Brawley"; I was in college in Poughkeepsie during that nonsense, btw). It's called "selling the sizzle, not the steak". Marketing is marketing; very little about politics is honest.


Also, at my campus (North Carolina State University), I can't believe how many Jesus freaks speak in the main quad area all the time. Really pisses me off.


I once had a bible church pastor tell me "The bible must be taken literally, there's no room for interpretation". To which I responded "Translation is interpretive. So you read it in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin?" Rabid evangelicals tend to be the most ignorant AND the most fun. :devil: I actually have much respect for those with honest belief; none at all for the inflexible proselytizer.

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Because all these impressionable minds are soaking in all this (to my mind) ignorant blather.


It seems that whenever people start basing their life and decisions on organized religion they become just another tool for someone (like Palin or Glen Beck) to use for their own power.


You mean, that those impressionable minds that are exposed and soak up humanist-marxist-socialist blather from the average college professor are any better off? Sorry, I'm not buying that argument. I mean, they're just becoming tools for Olbermann or Madcow, ready to be swayed into believing in a community organizer.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as you're either still a teenager or just barely not. You don't have much of a well of experience in the real world to draw out of. But, I've got some bad news for you. While liberalism (I'm avoiding the ridiculous term "progressivism" as there's nothing progressive about leftism) sounds great when Professor Snottynose expounds on it in the classroom, in real life it is failed philosophy. Less regulation is always more effective than more. Smaller government is always preferable to improve the human condition than larger. Likewise, freer speech is ALWAYS preferable to more controlled.


What is offensive to you is sensible to others, and vice versa. Tell me that someone who resides in the midst of "enlightened" academia isn't really advocating muzzling FREE SPEECH? Tsk.

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Because all these impressionable minds are soaking in all this (to my mind) ignorant blather.


It seems that whenever people start basing their life and decisions on organized religion they become just another tool for someone (like Palin or Glen Beck) to use for their own power.


Yeah, when I was in college I wouldn't have seen the irony in this statement either.



And religion is not a bad basis for life and decisions. If you think it through, it's not religion that's the problem. It's impressionability itself.

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She has...and as governor, she believe that her oath of office to support the law superceded her personal beliefs. Like I said...people can be complex. Even King Bush II was more than the simpleton he seemed.




Ever seen a beer commercial? Hell, again...ever listen to Al Sharpton? (Google "Tawana Brawley"; I was in college in Poughkeepsie during that nonsense, btw). It's called "selling the sizzle, not the steak". Marketing is marketing; very little about politics is honest.




I once had a bible church pastor tell me "The bible must be taken literally, there's no room for interpretation". To which I responded "Translation is interpretive. So you read it in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin?" Rabid evangelicals tend to be the most ignorant AND the most fun. :devil: I actually have much respect for those with honest belief; none at all for the inflexible proselytizer.




Wow. I'm so sick so crooks always on the airwaves. Why is this country such a "fail"????


You mean, that those impressionable minds that are exposed and soak up humanist-marxist-socialist blather from the average college professor are any better off? Sorry, I'm not buying that argument. I mean, they're just becoming tools for Olbermann or Madcow, ready to be swayed into believing in a community organizer.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as you're either still a teenager or just barely not. You don't have much of a well of experience in the real world to draw out of. But, I've got some bad news for you. While liberalism (I'm avoiding the ridiculous term "progressivism" as there's nothing progressive about leftism) sounds great when Professor Snottynose expounds on it in the classroom, in real life it is failed philosophy. Less regulation is always more effective than more. Smaller government is always preferable to improve the human condition than larger. Likewise, freer speech is ALWAYS preferable to more controlled.


What is offensive to you is sensible to others, and vice versa. Tell me that someone who resides in the midst of "enlightened" academia isn't really advocating muzzling FREE SPEECH? Tsk.



You're obviously an intellegent guy, but the administrations that I can remember (most of Clinton to present) the conservative way seems to always be more crooked and ignorant.


Maybe I'll change my views as I get more years of experience to draw upon, but whenever I try to look at things from a non-biased view the conservatives almost always seem to be the frauds.

Of course there is always exceptions, but if you youtube palin, beck, o'reilly etc, it's always disgusting.


I respect your opinion though (and the religious freaks at my school, even though they piss me off)

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Wow. I'm so sick so crooks always on the airwaves. Why is this country such a "fail"????


Why is American Idol so popular, but Nightline isn't? Why did some hick podunk self-proclaimed pastor get stupid amounts of international exposure for a book burning stunt? Why does Al Gore get a Nobel Prize AND an Oscar for a truly ****ty book/movie combo? Why do we invade Iraq? Why do GM bondholders get well and truly !@#$ed in the ass by the federal government?


Because sizzle sells, steak doesn't. Learn the difference, because fully 80% of what you think you know is nothing more than marketing.


You're obviously an intellegent guy,


You don't know him like we do. :D Obviously never been to Macungie (SA-LUTE!) either.


but the administrations that I can remember (most of Clinton to present) the conservative way seems to always be more crooked and ignorant.


Maybe I'll change my views as I get more years of experience to draw upon, but whenever I try to look at things from a non-biased view the conservatives almost always seem to be the frauds.

Of course there is always exceptions, but if you youtube palin, beck, o'reilly etc, it's always disgusting.


You really need to ponder that statement for a couple of days. Seriously...see if you can find at least three potential logical fallacies in that statement. (I'll even give you some hints: think of the difference between connotation and denotation, and - presuming you've had some psychology - think on how semantics and cognitive space interact and how they reflect each other).

Edited by DC Tom
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You're obviously an intellegent guy, but the administrations that I can remember (most of Clinton to present) the conservative way seems to always be more crooked and ignorant.


Maybe I'll change my views as I get more years of experience to draw upon, but whenever I try to look at things from a non-biased view the conservatives almost always seem to be the frauds.

Of course their always exceptions, but if you youtube palin, beck, o'reilly etc, it's always disgusting.


I respect your opinion though (and the religious freaks at my school, even though they piss me off)


That's because there hasn't been a real conservative administration in this country since Dwight D. Eisenhower. No, I'm not including Reagan, either. Bush was no conservative, neither Bush was. Reagan was close, but not quite. And I can sincerely say that there hasn't been a more crooked President in the past 20 years than Bill Clinton. Google Vince Foster, Whitewater, Renting out the Lincoln bedroom, etc..etc...


I'm no fan of Beck or Palin. O'Reilly, IMO isn't in the same league as those two or Limbaugh.


bear in mind, I'm more of a Libertarian than I am a "Conservative" and despite the fact I'm a born-again Christian, I don't want my government trying to force people to believe what I believe. Am I a bit hypocritical on the gays getting married? I suppose. But I also support people's right to use substances as they choose. I am for the right to bear arms, the right to free speech and against the establishment of religion. I dunno, but as I look at thing, "progressives" look like the larger tyrants than erstwhile "conservatives."


Really, you could sum up my politics as this: Get the hell out of my life, Gubmint. You're not welcome here.

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Maybe I'll change my views as I get more years of experience to draw upon, but whenever I try to look at things from a non-biased view the conservatives almost always seem to be the frauds.

Of course there is always exceptions, but if you youtube palin, beck, o'reilly etc, it's always disgusting.


I respect your opinion though (and the religious freaks at my school, even though they piss me off)


Hopefully in due time, you will see there is just as much fraud/stupidity from the left as there is on the right. My advice to you is do your homework and do not blindly believe what these idiots blather.

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That's because there hasn't been a real conservative administration in this country since Dwight D. Eisenhower....Reagan was close

massive deficit spending

assaults on personal freedoms

negotiating with terrorists

How in the Sam Hill is that "close" to being a conservative? Did he just need to expand the federal government a little more and ramp up the foreign adventurism to get there?



its late, i drank way to many 60 Minutes

What's a 60 minutes?

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