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I find it very hard to root for the Steelers

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got in to work at 11:30 tonight and cheered with my coworkers as Jax missed the FG. My coworkers almost had a heart attack seeing me cheer for the steelers. it's just one of those things you have to do. as much as I hate rooting for the steelers, it's worth it if it helps the Bills

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got in to work at 11:30 tonight and cheered with my coworkers as Jax missed the FG.  My coworkers almost had a heart attack seeing me cheer for the steelers.  it's just one of those things you have to do.  as much as I hate rooting for the steelers, it's worth it if it helps the Bills



I agree. I can't stand the Stillers and found pulling for them to be against every fibre of my being. I'll have a similar sick feeling pulling for the dolfelons over the Broncos next week. ;)

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