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Pot: Not just for losers any more


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Well I guess closing the blinds, watching Gilligan's Island re-runs and eating doritos is a step up for some people.

That's cannabis indica. Cannabis sativa has a different effect.

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I have come to the conclusion that the board upgrades caused one of my posts in this thread to be deleted. I have come to this conclusion because none of the mods replied to my other thread. I hope that no one takes offense, but I am going to re-post the important parts of the deleted item. I don't thik it is harmful in any way.


If there is a problem for any of the mods, please let me know.


I feel this important to share because everyone has regrets in life. Rich, poor, young, old, black, white...it doesn't matter. We all make mistakes and have regrets. People who use pot either end up with a lot more regrets or too burned out to even know.


Anyway, one day I saw an ambulance screaming down Main Street and I didn't give it a thought. But it was my Uncle Eugene. He died on October the second 1981. I didn't even find out until like the fourth. Eugene, or Geno as I tended to call him, never had a bad word for anyone. The last time I saw him, I just said "See ya Later Geno". The next thing I know there is an ambulance screaming down Main Street. And I didn't give it a thought. I couldn't have saved him or anything......but not even a thought. And Geno had been so good to me. If it wasn't my uncle Eugene it would have been someone elses. So the moral of the story is when you see an ambulance screaming down Main Street, always give it a thought. If you smoke pot, you won't be able to think, so don't smoke pot because you never know when you'll see an ambulance screaming down Main Street.

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