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Lori Chase

Guest dog14787

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Not "B word". Cranky Old Fogey Ann.


Or Cranky Old Ninny Ann. I believe...yep, just checked. She's still in my address book under that name. :thumbsup:


I love when you bastards come out to play.

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In case any of you were unaware as I was, Lori Chase is no longer with us. After Tim Graham, a very good friend of hers was rudely treated on this forum, she decided enough was enough and it just wasn't fun anymore. When you look at it from her perspective, how could you blame her, Tim takes the time away from his busy schedule to come onto our forum and we treat him like trash.


I say we because unfortunately a few bad apples can make the whole bushel turn rotten if you don't remove the bad ones.


This is Lori's Twitter http://twitter.com/LoriTBD Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lori.chase



You guys get a chance, drop her a line, let her know what she means to our Forum and how much we miss her, or post your support on this thread,



Lets get Lori Chase back home to our Forum where she belongs...


I guess she was trying to upgrade the forum by bringing Mr. Graham here and I enjoyed his posts while he was here.


I would have been pissed off too if I was her, but not enough to leave, I thought she was taking a break since it was the offseason.


gonna be haters wherever you go football forums or not. If she didn't feel it was worth her time to post after all these years that her decision. But having said that I hope she decides to come back...even if it just to post her Sunday morning matchup writeup....


which is what made me join the forum in the first place. :thumbsup:

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Personally I hope Lori does come back but I understand why she left. At times the forum, like any of its kind, facilitates ugly and clueless comments. I take comfort in the fact that the majority here are good folk sharing their thoughts on the Bills and perhaps life in general.

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