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This is one very cool car!!

Steely Dan

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That's a pretty sweet ride. :sick:

I don't like that particular 2-tone paint job, but it's an intriguing concept car.


I have been predicting for the last couple of years that.....


FINS are coming back, baybee!!!!


(no......not the putrid porpae kind....the good kind)

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Those are a couple of my favorites too. I keep telling my wife I'm going to buy one and she said I don't know how to work on them. I told here that's why I work so I can hire someone else to do that.


Cars of that time are simple to work on. Just get a Chilton's manual and most stuff you can do by yourself or with the assistance of a friend or two. I saved a lot of money doing things myself back before cars became so computerized and crap that you can't work on them without $100,000 pieces of equipment.

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