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afc east team comparison

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What you say is very reasonable. I think the Dolphins are a rising team. I just don't trust the Jets chemistry, and they are depending on LT to play well on the downside of his career after giving away two of their runners. And it's hard to bet against the Pats, but all I'm saying is that none of these teams are without problems, and any of them could collapse. The Pats are where the Bills were in the late 90s, full of aging stars, with new players who have not established themselves at the same level. When the crash came, it came suddenly and hard.


Not that they will.


Lets hope the Jets pull a 2009 Titans crash. --In 2008 the Titans were solid on defense, had a QB (Collins) that simply managed the game and was not forced to 'do too much' while they ran the ball with an outstanding running game. We saw how they faltered in 2009 and only strung together a decent second half of the season to break even.


Man, this has really got me thinking. --Teams like San Fran, Cincy, Texans and Arizona were all bottom dwellers for years. Then BAM! - A few solid drafts, changes in coaching or finding some diamond in the rough player and the teams melded, stringing together some sdecent wins as well as some upsets. The aforementioned teams are all now 'projected to' or recently 'actually did' make some noise in the NFL. An extra win here or there and these Teams along with Buffalo could all be playing in the post season. --Why not it be 'our' team, our turn?


I'm sure the New England boards are whining about Mankins, Brady and the problems their team is faced with. Every team has fans that will scruitinize the front office and the players that aren't living up to expctations.


I honestly like the 'Culture' that Gailey and Nix are establishing in Buffalo and I like the high motor type of players we have brought in via the draft. This 'culture' the coaches are selling is not a fad or a gimmick, it is a work ethic and a standard that the players have already demonstrated in college and from the sounds of it, have bought into it at a Pro level thus far. ---I've been in the Military for 18 years and I can tell everyone this....I'd rather take the hard working team player than the flashy fast burner who whooos everyone with occasional flashes of brilliance. I can get alot more out of the consistant cerebral guy that the one who is only in it for himself.


Good post Dr K. - Thanks and Go Bills! :thumbsup:

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The sal cap has seen to it that most every team has the opportunity to field a competitive team of players. Thus, not much difference exists in talent level between teams. Its been like this for eons now.


What does differentiate one team from another are the intangibles that start at the top with ownership and then feeds all the way down to the coaching staff and then onto the players. Such teams are winners through and through. When a team has this winning intangible they find ways to win. Think the Pats over the last decade. When the team doesn't have this intangible, they find ways to lose. Think the Bills this last decade.

Don't forget videotaping and HGH.

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I honestly like the 'Culture' that Gailey and Nix are establishing in Buffalo and I like the high motor type of players we have brought in via the draft. This 'culture' the coaches are selling is not a fad or a gimmick, it is a work ethic and a standard that the players have already demonstrated in college and from the sounds of it, have bought into it at a Pro level thus far. ---I've been in the Military for 18 years and I can tell everyone this....I'd rather take the hard working team player than the flashy fast burner who whooos everyone with occasional flashes of brilliance. I can get alot more out of the consistant cerebral guy that the one who is only in it for himself.


Good post Dr K. - Thanks and Go Bills! :thumbsup:



I agree with the "culture" comment a lot. Just watching Gailey talk about the team and the players, I get the feeling "This man LOVES football, he knows a lot about it, he really knows what he wants, and he has a plan to get it." The plan may not work right away, there will be potential setbacks, but if I were on Gailey's team I would trust the guy and do whatever it took to follow his lead.

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