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Limbaughs 4th wedding


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But #4 is gonna be different, I think this two kids are gonna make it





says the pot smoker....




What does smoking pot have to do with being a drug addict? What does taking aspirin have to do with being a drug addict?

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says the pot smoker....


the day i get up and try to tell people how to live their lives, and condemn others when it is none of my business, feel free to get up and throw that in my face.


more precisely, the day i get up and tell people to not do drugs.


IMO, Rush can do anything he wants in his personal time. but he's the one who makes millions off of lecturing/preaching/berating people on what they should and shouldnt be able to do. if you want to play that role, you have to be able to be held up for review yourself. Rush fails.

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What's better revenge for trying to deny him rights than to convince him into paying $1 million for singing a few songs? I wish I could convince my enemies to line my pockets.


Enemies? What makes you think they are enemies?


Don't you have friends that hold different views on political topics?

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Enemies? What makes you think they are enemies?


Don't you have friends that hold different views on political topics?


That's true. I guess when it comes to an issue that is pretty fundamental to Mr. John (he's a noted champion for the LGBT movement) I just assumed he wouldn't get along with Rush. Bad assumption I suppose, but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. I mean, would you expect Jesse Jackson to be buddy-buddy with a guy who wants to eliminate black suffrage?

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I mean, would you expect Denzel Washington to be buddy-buddy with a guy who wants to eliminate black suffrage?

I would if the guy gave a toast at Denzel's wedding.


The common misconception is that Rush is in politics when in fact he is in showbiz. My guess is that Elton understands him a lot better than the vast majority of people who go into hysterics every time his name is mentioned.

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the day i get up and try to tell people how to live their lives, and condemn others when it is none of my business, feel free to get up and throw that in my face.


more precisely, the day i get up and tell people to not do drugs.


IMO, Rush can do anything he wants in his personal time. but he's the one who makes millions off of lecturing/preaching/berating people on what they should and shouldnt be able to do. if you want to play that role, you have to be able to be held up for review yourself. Rush fails.


Not throwing it in your face buddy, take a step back. And that is not what you are upset about. You are upset that people pay him obscene amounts for his opinion.

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I would if the guy gave a toast at Denzel's wedding.


The common misconception is that Rush is in politics when in fact he is in showbiz. My guess is that Elton understands him a lot better than the vast majority of people who go into hysterics every time his name is mentioned.


They've also both dealt with drug addiction, which could explain a friendship.

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Not throwing it in your face buddy, take a step back. And that is not what you are upset about. You are upset that people pay him obscene amounts for his opinion.


oh i know we're cool. i wasnt aiming that at you, it was at Rush.


I'm not upset that he makes money for his opinion. I'm upset with his opinions and how he chooses to present and distribute them. I'm upset that he makes money for being a lying, fear mongering, propaganda-ist. I'm upset that he spends hours a day trying to convince people that one way is corect, yet he lives a completely different way than what he preaches.


I understand the need for opposing sides, check and balances and all that, but there comes a point where it goes beyond that. And Rush passed it years ago.

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