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Obama to name Kagan for high court

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Presuming the belief is in any way sensible.


I mean, really...what do you think is going to happen if she's approved to the Supreme Court? The Constitution is subordinated to the GLAAD mission statement?



No, but you can be sure that if gay marraige reaches the Supreme Court, she'll render a decision in line with her kind.

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Thankfully your unfortunate type will be dead soon.


How very open-minded of you, Johnny. :)


I see no evidence of a pro-lesbian anti-abortion agenda. At best, I see evidence of an opinion on one of the issues (The stupid DADT policy) as it related to Harvard Law School.


Alito and Roberts (not to mention Scalia and Thomas) are probably pro-choice. Guess what: I don't care. If they were zealots on the issue, I would care. If they just have a personal opinion, I don't.


Yeah, we'll see.

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No, but you can be sure that if gay marraige reaches the Supreme Court, she'll render a decision in line with her kind.


You mean in favor of the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment?


Not that it matters. One must wonder why you're so concerned with men that put their penises in other men's anuses. :)

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You mean in favor of the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment?


Not that it matters. One must wonder why you're so concerned with men that put their penises in other men's anuses. :)


I don't care if they do it on their own time, that's their business. Just don't pretent to tell me, my daughter or anyone else for that matter that it's normal, okay, or should be celebrated. Because, in my opinion, it's not.

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I don't care if they do it on their own time, that's their business. Just don't pretent to tell me, my daughter or anyone else for that matter that it's normal, okay, or should be celebrated. Because, in my opinion, it's not.


So you think Kagan is going to issue a decision that requires you to think that homosexuality is normal, okay, and should be celebrated?

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How very open-minded of you, Johnny. :)


I never claimed to be open minded to people who are wrong. If you want to hole up in a shack in the mountains, I wish you long life BTW. IF it's any consolation, my racist grandfather and his type needed to die out too but I still loved him.


Do you think she's got an agenda to ruin the country or something...by doing something radical like stopping the government from intruding on adult's bedrooms?

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I don't care if they do it on their own time, that's their business. Just don't pretent to tell me, my daughter or anyone else for that matter that it's normal, okay, or should be celebrated. Because, in my opinion, it's not.


Your daughter will get what you don't. There's a massive generational gap on this issue.

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I don't care if they do it on their own time, that's their business. Just don't pretent to tell me, my daughter or anyone else for that matter that it's normal, okay, or should be celebrated. Because, in my opinion, it's not.


What, you got something against rainbow parades?

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So you think Kagan is going to issue a decision that requires you to think that homosexuality is normal, okay, and should be celebrated?


She's going to be called upon to render a decison on gay marraige. She will not be against it.


I think that's fairly obvious.

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I never claimed to be open minded to people who are wrong. If you want to hole up in a shack in the mountains, I wish you long life BTW. IF it's any consolation, my racist grandfather and his type needed to die out too but I still loved him.

Do you think she's got an agenda to ruin the country or something...by doing something radical like stopping the government from intruding on adult's bedrooms?


I'm not sure if I got the logic right here but because you loved your racist grandfather you love homophobe Joe? That's just !@#$ing gay dude.

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She's going to be called upon to render a decison on gay marraige. She will not be against it.


I think that's fairly obvious.


And you think it's fair that there are rights that you have with the person you love that they don't have with the person they love?

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I never claimed to be open minded to people who are wrong.


How glib. If by "wrong" you mean having a sense of morality and right and wrong instead of some realtivistic, amoral, wishy-washy, everything-goes, whatever-makes-you-happyworldview, then I'll be "wrong" all day long.

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I never claimed to be open minded to people who are wrong.


Oh, and does this mean I get to be closed-minded to your free-love worldview again?!?! Goody!


I always thought it was a tad hypocritical that people who believe like *I* do were supposed to be tolerant of those who believe like *you* do, but never the other way around.

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Oh, and does this mean I get to be closed-minded to your free-love worldview again?!?! Goody!


I always thought it was a tad hypocritical that people who believe like *I* do were supposed to be tolerant of those who believe like *you* do, but never the other way around.


Actually, I think that sort of tolerance is a matter of Christian faith...


But hey, whatever.

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How glib. If by "wrong" you mean having a sense of morality and right and wrong instead of some realtivistic, amoral, wishy-washy, everything-goes, whatever-makes-you-happyworldview, then I'll be "wrong" all day long.




Oh, and does this mean I get to be closed-minded to your free-love worldview again?!?! Goody!


I always thought it was a tad hypocritical that people who believe like *I* do were supposed to be tolerant of those who believe like *you* do, but never the other way around.


I know you're wrong. You have some sort of feeling like gay people are bad, which is senseless and illogical. I know people like you can't have your mind changed, so I take comfort in the undebateable fact that your generation of people who love the government in the bedroom will die and the generations that follow will look at your behavior with the shame I have when reflecting on my racist grandfather.


I shouldn't have brought up your daughter, even vaguely like that. I apologize. Let's just say the generation of both our children will wipe out your biases in a tidal wave.

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Actually, I think that sort of tolerance is a matter of Christian faith...


But hey, whatever.


Incorrect. We're not to tolerate sin, we're to preach against it. We're to love the sinner. I have no problem personally with John Adams. I think he's mistaken, misguided and ultimately will be damned for it, but that judgement's not mine to make.

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I shouldn't have brought up your daughter, even vaguely like that. I apologize.


Not a problem, it's a heated topic. I think you're wrong, you think I'm wrong, it happens. And just to be clear: I'm not for the government banning homosexuality. That's just irrational and won't happen. What I am opposed to is government interfering in the God-ordained institution of marraige. If gays want to be legally joined, let the secular authorities do it under some other term. Marraiges should be handled by the church, not the state, whether or not it's heterosecual or homosexual.

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