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#Reminder# From Micheal Moore

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Why would you expect a different response? For years those people have been given pretty much one set of facts. They regurgitate them over and over again, in much the same way that "they hate us because we have stuff" garbage that Hannity and company hide behind.


So they should be jumping up and down with joy that 3000 people were killed?


Ever watch a family member die for no good reason? What would your reaction be? What was your reaction when the U.S. started bombing the !@#$ out of Iraq and Afghanistan? Were you remorseful?


I was saddened that it had to happen.


Sure it is. :worthy: I just know you're ready to sign up and fight for the Church of the United States. Because Jesus would want you to.


You can do better than this. There has been a many centuries long clash between Christians and Muslims. Muslims and Hindus. Muslims and every other religion. Getting the picture here? The hardcore in the Islamic faith believe that anyone not a Muslim is an infidel and it is open season on them.


Horseshit. It's about oil. The very second oil doesn't matter, we pick up our toys and go home and no one gives a flying !@#$ing leap what goes on over there. Forever.


Yes, everything we have done has made our access to oil more secure.

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My comments were directed at the simplistic comment that if US stopped supporting Israel that radical Islamic terrorism that's directed at US would stop. I think I called the poster naive, and his comments reinforce that.

I never said that.

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C'mon Tom. That's just a little too glib of a response. There certainly may have been even a majority of Palestinians in shock over it, but even you must admit that a substantial amount of Palestinians were more than joyful. Those are the people that think it is a good thing to kill westerners. A small percentage of them would actually act on it. Preconceived notions? My preconceived notion is that a group of Islamic terrorists wants to kill as many westerners as possible. I wonder where I got that from?

Sounds like the Crusades...


You can turn off Fox News any time now. :thumbsup:

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Sounds like the Crusades...


You can turn off Fox News any time now. :thumbsup:


I have an opinion based on past history and statements made by Islamic terrorists. You have an opinion based on what? I don't think either of us based our opinion on anything Fox News reported, but it certainly is a convenient way for you to try to put someone down as if I'm brainwashed by Fox News. Your snarky little one-liners are a reflection of the depth of your knowledge and ability to reason.

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Yes Andrew, a faction of the Islamic fundamentalists want us to convert to the "one true faith". If we don't, they consider us "infidels" and it is their right and duty to kills us. Is this news to you? Who said they won't kill other Muslims? They do it all the time in both Iraq and Afghanistan in order to meet their own political or strategic goals.

So it's not "convert or die," it's "die or convert and then maybe die anyway"?

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So it's not "convert or die," it's "die or convert and then maybe die anyway"?


Pretty close to it. It is my impression that the radicals don't place a very high value on human life. They are obsessed with their religion to the point that everyone not Islamic is an infidel and deserves to die. If in the process of killing infidels Muslims are also killed, it's no big deal to them. After all, their rewards are all in heaven, waiting for them. Don't get me wrong though. Muslims interpret the Koran differently and it is a small percentage that are radicals capable of being terrorists.

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I have an opinion based on past history and statements made by Islamic terrorists. You have an opinion based on what? I don't think either of us based our opinion on anything Fox News reported, but it certainly is a convenient way for you to try to put someone down as if I'm brainwashed by Fox News. Your snarky little one-liners are a reflection of the depth of your knowledge and ability to reason.

God made me in his image, snarky little one-liners and all. The depth of my knowledge and ability to reason are a direct reflection of God's knowledge and ability to reason, so you better watch your ass or you might get smote.

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Pretty close to it. It is my impression that the radicals don't place a very high value on human life. They are obsessed with their religion to the point that everyone not Islamic is an infidel and deserves to die. If in the process of killing infidels Muslims are also killed, it's no big deal to them. After all, their rewards are all in heaven, waiting for them. Don't get me wrong though. Muslims interpret the Koran differently and it is a small percentage that are radicals capable of being terrorists.

I guess we just disagree. I don't think they give a **** if we convert or not, and I've never read anything to suggest that they would. I think if they really wanted to convert non-Muslims, they would start with some easier, nearby nations, such as Georgia or Armenia.

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God made me in his image, snarky little one-liners and all. The depth of my knowledge and ability to reason are a direct reflection of God's knowledge and ability to reason, so you better watch your ass or you might get smote.


I'm not really too worried for myself, but if I were you I wouldn't walk out in a thunderstorm. :thumbsup:

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I guess we just disagree. I don't think they give a **** if we convert or not, and I've never read anything to suggest that they would. I think if they really wanted to convert non-Muslims, they would start with some easier, nearby nations, such as Georgia or Armenia.


Yes, we can agree to disagree. I'll try to show you an example or two when I come across them. I appreciate your civil tone and reasonable response. :thumbsup:

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Yes, we can agree to disagree. I'll try to show you an example or two when I come across them. I appreciate your civil tone and reasonable response. :thumbsup:

The thing about this issue is that it's so complex and there is no obvious single cause, or multiple causes for the root of terrorism. If we knew for certain what caused it, we would stop it (hopefully). Thus, there's no need to attempt to belittle you for your opinion, it may be right - I don't think it is, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility of one of the reasons for terrorism against the US.

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Idiot assumptions are great. I have carried both guys and weapons. Next.


This mindset implies training. All of us who have weapons training are careful. You are not special in this regard. My concern centers on those who have not been properly trained. "More guns" implies more people who haven't been trained on carrying weapons properly, never mind how to use them. That's not a good plan.


Then...why bother with any of this? :thumbsup:


Perhaps but again, without mandatory training, "More guns" could also mean more holes in airplane cabins due to nothing more sinister than accidents.


I would have no problem with your plan if REAL training, not a 2 hour course, and repetitive certification(like CPR) was required in order to carry a weapon on a plane. But, even with training, there are 2 types of people in this world: those that will pull the trigger and those that won't. The ones that won't become a cone, and make their weapon available to baddies that will take it from them.


I would rather rely on trained people than untrained, and I certainly don't support arming cowards.


Why bother? because those that can use guns. More responsible people that know how to shoot and maintain a weapon, should be able to carry EVERYWHERE. I can see training, but you put that in with the carriers license, like normal, you don't change that. However you add power to the carriers license, let them carry wherever they want, let them carry concealed. More freedom.


Gun safety in schools with a class, just like drivers education. Make a legal age for carrying a weapon with freedom. This will keep emotional shootings down. It will also help with accidental shootings.

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Are you still posting?




















I kid, I kid.


I was just wondering because if you were I guess I really am a POS if it came from the word of God.


Like we need God to chime in on that for verification.

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